Details will be discussed in IRC slashnet #army.
Be there tomorrow at 10 PM EST time if you want to join in. I realized that not everyone can make it and if we don't get enough people than I'll
have to push the date back a bit but We'll see how it goes.
Yes. We are not going to post it publicly though. For more details get on the IRC.
Dont wanna miss the raid
see u guys there
Two hours, ten minutes til it goes down!
I already said we're not posting it publicly. It would completely ruin our plan if we did. Join the channel man.
Dunno. I just asked.
this .
I'd love ta'join.
what the fuck is this shit
Both #army and need an Eggdrop bot to run the channel and auto OP, half op, invite people since whoever is running the channel can't figure out how to work the chanserv :facepalm: lol. Come on guys all the OPs can't be IRC n00bs