Tommorow I might be having a interview for a security job. My brother set it up for me since he has been with them for a while.
They give just saliva tests as far as I know, I'm not worried about THC because the detection time is just 24 hours. I'm worried about opiates. The detection time as far as I know is 2-3 days.
What would be the best way to fool this test.
Plox halp.
That's just for weed to my knowledge.
How about you tell them you're sick with the flu and you'll do it in a few days, while you get that shit out of your system.
What do poppy seeds have to do with weed?
They might want to do an urinalysis then to see how much is in my system.
Then I will be really fucked, At this moment I have more Hydrocodone than a fucking horse could take in my system.
Nvm I'm tripping lawl.
Wouldn't rely on it to save his ass though.
That flu excuse might be good though.
AND go in while eating a poppy seed bagel...for the lulz.
But that would just be an absurd idea, wouldn't it?
Obviously you are assuming things.
This was short notice, when my brother called me I was getting fucked up, and he help me do the test on the application. They called me the next morning to talk to them and fill out paperwork.
Next is the orientation test and drug test.