I was with this one jawn saturday night and she fucked my back up. I was really drunk and could feel her scratching and I'd pull her hands away, but when I came to my senses that afternoon, I felt like a terrible sunburn feeling on my back.
I took a look at my back and it had dried blood and deep scratches on it.
I was pretty pissed, I spend a lot of time with my shirt off, tanning, beach, fucking, etc. I don't want girls marking me up. I absolutely hate hickeys too. I almost punched a girl one time and I threw a girl off a balcony into a pool at another time.
Looking back, I got no pleasure from it. She said her pussy hurt and we ended up having to stop mid-fuck. I'm not saying I have a huge mans but I'm about average. Was clawing me attempting to get me to let up? I also don't like hair pulling, on either end, However I do like hard fucking.
What are your thoughts? If there are any interests, I have a couple cell phone pictures of the damage.
here's your problem , you're gay and you're conceded . also looks like you dislike passion... FROM WOMEN! ? homo alert!
We went swimming in her pool one day and I forgot about the scratches and her dad happened to notice them and he didn't believe me when I said my cat did it so he started trying to fight me. :facepalm:
u are so full of yourself. ive seen your pic, and you are nothing special. put a fucking shirt on like the rest of us. no one wants to see that you stuck up cocksucker.
Im guessing hes compensating for something.
hickeys are srs bsns I guess
No of course I don't want fucking marks all over me, I'm not some masochist or something. This girl was not my girlfriend or anything like that, she was a girl I made out with once at a party months back and then she showed up at a bar the other night and we left and went to her place to fuck.
I'm sorry nobody here gets laid on the regular, gets to enjoy the beach with their shirt off, or has to talk to hundreds of people a day where their appearance makes a big difference in selling. Oh wait nvm I'm not sorry.
I like to fuck hard yeah, but I don't want fucking mariana trench carved out of my skin. I'm talking blood drawn and shit.
Here's me at 7am still fucked up after I just got home from this shit, I sent this video message to my boy, the fucking video sucks but whatever:
View My Video
And here's two pics I snapped real quick:
Don't mind my room I'm in the middle of moving and shit is fucking everywhere.
Yeah, I can see what he's talking about. I mean, being a single guy or whatever just looking to fuck bitches, that shit's gonna make girls think twice before they let him put the p to the v. :o:o:o:o
Once i was with this chick (just making out, no sex) and she started scratching my back as well. I stopped her almost immediately but not before she left a beautiful line carved on my back. Not hot at all.
But hey, I'm a weirdo.
Alright nutjob, then maybe you could have mentioned all these important details like your appearance is related to your job in first fucking place. All you said is you like to tan on the beach and we just automatically picture an asshole guido... that's not really our faults.
And by the way, scratches on a young single guy does not a turn off make. If anyone is dumb enough to ask, you can say something like I was hunting bear meat in the forest and got attacked but beat it off with my bare hands or something.
Chicks dig bear hunters :cool:
You know guys who beat off bears? Are they members of beastforum.com? I've never heard of anyone jacking off a bear with bare hands before.
The bears scratched up his back in a heat of passion. It takes all kinds, it really does.
Everybody has this stereotype of a guido, even though I said I'm not one, just because of that show. Not every black person is a nigger (I can't believe I said that). I've been on totse/zoklet since 2004, it's not like I'm some random asshole who comes here to fuck with people.
Also, I fucking hate bears but I would never eat one, that meat is fucking disgusting. And I'd never beat off a bear.
Yeah, I know who you are, but still.
And yes, yes you would beat off a bear, and you'd do it well now, wouldn't you?
Lies. Everyone knows you're into bear baiting.
How do you know who he is? I have a vague memory of him from &T, but I don't remember you.
Oh, name change baby. Time to start anew and fresh, just like everyone else. It's nice to spice things up sometimes.
What was your &T handle? Fluffyrabbits???
No. I'd rather not say. But if we get some more of the old, OLD members back I might revert back to the old one. I'm still reeling from the loss of dear, dear jackketch wherever he is, and I think we need some members to take place of his grizzly, tough love dad role, because I don't think that ever happened at Zoklet. What say you?
I only started posting on zoklet about 3 weeks ago, even though I made an account right after &T closed. I think jack left during that interim. I registered on &T in '04, but I was reading it since '02. Registration was closed for a long time back then. I may or may not remember you. I can't remember most of the people from &T. It's been too long. By all means start fresh, but I was wondering if you were one of the posters I'd remember. I don't think anyone remembers me because I would be active, then go months without posting. It's too bad.
Back on topic, I wonder if the grizzly man jacked off bears.