I'm having issues with Firefox and totse.info.
I know it's FF because every fuckin site loads but this one, plus Opera punching it through fine.
Was a bit hard getting my post count up when it wouldn't load and I'm not a big fan of Opera (even though it's shit loads faster)
Any one got any ideas?
Meh I'll just use Opera for here.
Thankfully the new host fixes most of my problems.
After my post Opera slowed down.
Yep. Sorry bornkiller, I don't know what to say. It's loading really quickly for me.
Oh yeah! I did get a missing bbs token error previously. (forgot to mention it)
What were you doing at the time?
That happens sometimes as a glitch in Vbulletin.
So I googled it, and yeah! It mentioned that.
EDIT: It's slow on IE too... maybe totse.info is just a giant virus just waiting for the member number to get to 1000...