Today I'm cooking my usual maple sausage and eggs. I plan on making a sandwich out of both of them.
I really like any kind of sausage and eggs but it gets kind of old cooking the same stuff every morning. Anybody know some quick and easy alternatives??
Chicken thighs have got to be the oddest selection of quick breakfast food I've ever heard of.
It's called cahuamanta; basically a seafood soup. Basically it's manta ray meat with a bunch of other shit.
1 Monster
1/2 a Large bag of Dorritos
and a Dr.pepper.
Breakfast of Champions
shit looks wicked. mothafucka, im having cinnamon rolls tmrw.
I hardly ever eat breakfast but when I have time I make pancakes with a cinnamon, apple and brown sugar sauce/syrup.
They are an epic hangover cure as well.
Making eggs benedict isn't actually that hard. The hardest part is poaching the eggs. And it's SO good. Try it sometime.
French toast is easy.
Homemade oatmeal is good. You can put so many different things in it. Like your dick if you're feeling frisky.
None of that is much harder or more time consuming than cooking sausage.
We can has "how to"?
A how to for that one has been on my to do list for a while, it is a great dish to impress your friends with, and is quite easy once you get the hollandaise method down. It is also easy to come up with variations for, like "Eggs Blackstone" with dry cured bacon and fried tomatoes. So bang up a method if you have the inclination, or I will get to it eventually.
"Breakfast, not for me, the 78 seconds between dragging my hungover ass out of bed and getting out the door leaves little room for breakfast"
That looks awesome, do you know of a recipe or even a name for the Mexican tripe and hot pepper soup that is also known as a classic hangover remedy? My favorite hangover breakfast on days off is Pho, a Vietnamese soup consisting of anise scented broth, rice noodles, an a kitchen sink full of various other goodies. I like the Hue style in particular, it is spicy, and should have a big cube of congealed blood on top, if you can get that into you on a weak stomach, the rest of your day is easy.
"soup for breakfast, burger for lunch, beer for dinner"
Honestly I'm too much of a lazy prick to put together an eggs benedict recipe. I'm sure google has plenty and I'd love to see yours. If I'm bored one day I'll make a how-to on how I do them. I put proscuitto and avocado on mine.
That looks great and I bet it tastes even better.
This morning I had pizza - I got one for lunch yesterday at work and left two slices. Couple of minutes in the microwave when I got into the office and I was set for the day.
C/O, I think I have seen that recipe in one of the books I have - I will have a look for it, it definatly rings a bell.
Edit: The thing I read was a Turkish dish - tripes boiled and served in their own stock with lemon juice, salt and chilli powder. It was more allude to than a recipe. Used to be a brilliant tripe shop in the city next to me, but as tripe eaters (old people) die, customer base got smaller and it closed. They used to have lots of different tripe. Shame.
I lol'd.
Today I was really tired and lazy so I just heated up 2 ham & cheese hot pockets in the microwave. They were delicious.
Yeah, I think you're refering to "menudo".
Here's a copypasta recipe as I probably couldn't make it even if my life depended on it:
It's usually consumed heavily during christmas time and works great those holiday mornings.
Thats the stuff:hai::hai:, I had it a couple of times back when there was a really authentic Mexican restaurant in our area. Calves foot and hominy should be fun to hunt for! Thanks.
"LOL Menudo"
And then give me that bowl. And then the pot.
My god that looks amazinz. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Regardless. My breakfast was try peach/cream oatmeal in my mouth.
Yes fuck you. I have a real job and not much time aside from work/booze/reddit/sleep/belair.
So, I'm going home shortly and eating the fuck out of some awesome breakfast.
I also love dumping a tin of tuna in a hot pan with butter and black pepper, cracking a couple of eggs over it and mixing it up 'til the eggs are cooked, then slapping it into a couple of soft white rolls. Onions are a great addition when I can be bothered.
I tend to eat breakfast late, like at lunchtime, and after a workout so I like to pack in a lot of protein. Another staple is a lazy omelette, just tip whatever meat and vegetables I fancy into a pan with some seasoning and crack some eggs over it, then smoosh it around 'til cooked. Doesn't look great but it tastes good.
Today was an unusual one, I had toasted ciabatta bread with Indian lamb (leftover from a buff Sunday roast), cheese, jalapeno hummus and nice crisps. Felt like something different and rooted around in the fridge, basically.