We Got Reported to IWF

DfgDfg Admin
edited February 2011 in Spurious Generalities
First of all:
http://twitcam.livestream.com/3ymcw <-- go there and support Jess.

Be nice to them. They're like the only crew that supports totse.info.

So, this bitch REMOVED reported this http://www.totse.info/bbs/showthread.php?t=5144 to http://www.iwf.org.uk/ because according to them its child porn. I had a long fucking debate with The Wanted fan fuckers who for some strange reason all targeted me for the twit cam thread. They called me a pervert and reported me and on top of that they reported totse.info.

I fucked with them by taking direct action and some of them backed off. But this bitch targeted totse.info. I already added a disclaimer and edited the OP explaining things but I will not forgive her.

Anyway, the thing is these idiots flooded my twitter by sending me tweets and trying to raise hell. I responded by collecting their nicks and pasting them in the OP and calling them CP dealers. Naturally they backed off and now everything is cool. I don't want to go after them because they were just being silly and trying to act tough.

But I hate the fact they thing Totse.info is a CP fucking hub. I mean I don't think anyone even went after the girls posted in that thread. Hell, it was for lulz at best and girls I posted were okay at best.

Anyway, It would be nice if someone just goes after her and gives her a taste of totse.

Did I mention I got reported to twitter for the millionth time.


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