
StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
edited March 2011 in Spurious Generalities
I don't cry unless it is a rare occasion of extreme sorrow. I cried at my grandmother's wake then noticed some pretty girls but thought I had little to no chance with them with my cheeks so flushed and my nose running. I HATE crying. I don't care who is doing it. I hate the way it makes a persons face look, how their voice sounds if they try to talk, the sniffling and running snot and those terrible moaning sounds people make. It all completely disgusts me.

The last time I cried before my grandmother's wake was when I was really little and realized how poor my family was and that I didn't want to go back to grade school with my beatup hand-me-down clothes and backpack. I understand it makes some people feel better. It relieves pressure and is actually healthy but fuck all that shit. Unless someone I love dies I don't see myself crying. Im not sure that I would cry from a broken heart. Its happened before and I didn't cry and I'm even stronger now than I was then.


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