I seriously doubt I'll become addicted to alcohol due to how little I drink and my mindset (I have a pretty strong willpower, overcoming Tobacco in the past just because I knew it was a bad idea, despite enjoying cigs a lot) but I was just wondering how easy it is to actually become addicted to it.
How much would you have to drink each day, etc?
I don't know much about alcohol.... But for coke for sure sure the frequency and to some extent the amount done is a huge factor in whether or not u are likely to become addicted.
Yup. Too available at Uni
This sounds about right except that drinking small amounts everyday might take a while to cause addiction. Binge drinking like fanglekai showed you would result in an addiction much sooner. Also whether or not you have an addictive personality has to be taken into consideration as well as family history with different addictions.
There were periods where I drank more (everyday) and then periods where I drank less (breaks of two weeks or more).
I don't know if I am really addicted because I never made a break longer than two and a half weeks maybe. But I think when these breaks work without any problems, I have no addicition to fear.
Just don't drink alcohol when you have problems and want to forget. Rather cope with your problems, solve them and then reward you with some drinking when you made it successfully. That's the way to go.