so let's see, from the start, your mods and admins have been doxing members, both here and on zoklet. not zoklet mods. members. just to harass and blackmail them. the plan from the start has been to be annoying little shitheels and drag members down to get them over here. (who they're gathering information on and posting on a public URL, which is owned by katzenklavier).
This was all done under the codename "operation shitstorm" along with several other ops, such as fagging up their avatars to make zoklet look bad to new users, posting spurious "why was xxx banned" threads intended to villify any mod who attempted to get in the way and cause drama, shit storm threads created regarding every action, post or decision made by the admins, also attempting to undermine the user bases confidence in the administration, using the protocol that " if people hear something often enough they will begin to believe it"
At the same time behind the scenes here they were fighting about the exact same things they were causing on zoklet. The trolls vs the conservatives who want a decent conversation, discussing banning Daguru, TDR, and spectroll.
We've been watching your M&A the entire time, thanks for the lulz. Glad to see you finally caught up and demodded this account. So i'll go ahead and burn it. It's not like we don't have others. So there it is, this precious bastion of freedom was built upon lies and disinfo, for the single goal of stroking a few trolls e-peens. congratulations.
LOL. Sounds like you were lying to yourself, retard.
Shit dude. Chill the paranoia down. I won't go ahead and say what your screencaps show is true or right, but some were taken back in '09 when Z*k was a viable place to go.
As for now? Well, look at how things have turned out. Should do a vote of confidence, and it's not as if I think anyone actually pays attention to me
I wouldn't go throwing rocks about what zoklet turned into...when your own founders were the the ones doing their best to take a steaming shit in the joint they used to eat at.
zoklet looks about the same honestly, maybe little quieter since certain cockroaches finally got stepped on. I just decided it was about time to get things out in the open. Whatever you want to say about zoklet, and i've said plenty, all this shit was being driven by the people that founded and are running .info so....yeah. congratulations, i guess? people that gather and host personal info about their users, because those users also post somewhere else. real fucking winners there.
Posting screenshots is a shitty way to discuss things. I personally have nothing to hide and the only reason M&A is private to is to discuss things without giving our enemies a heads up.
The threads you linked were created back in 2010. During that time users called the shorts and my job was to just give them whatever they wanted. If they asked for this and it was given. I didn't care about the leaks but I know sooner or later they get exposed any way.
You cannot point at the administration beause during that time you were the administration and stilla re to some extent. You didn't voice say anything against this whole operation bunghole, at least I didn't take any part in it. That was my stand and still is.
Regarding Spectral we already patched up things and hopefully in future this will never happen again.
Regarding Dox, when those lists were posted we didn't have PI rules in place. So, it wasn't forbidden to post them. Also, I should clarify that recently we changed everything and addressed these issues.
Currently you're not allowed to post PI on This includes Z users, secondly is now a Community driven forum not run. You see what happened when the community ran it, it was a shitstorm and more problems. Hell it even exposed mods who played with others users information and posted IP logs. I am sure that's you goal. I was a mod on Z for a long time, I never leaked anything from M&A. Sure there were somethings that I didn't like but didn't leak it.
You on the other hand did the same thing, the funny thing is, on Zoklet you can get banned for this, on you will not get banned for it, unless the information contains PI. That's the difference.
Also, your talk about all that shit is just BS, we didn't start anything. We're not responsible for users posting Zoklet any way. It's a shame you're defending the wrong side.
Did we make mistakes in the past?
Hell, fucking yes. We made tons of mistake. We made every mistake that was possible.
Did we learn something from our past mistakes?
Yep, every time we fucked up we went back and discuss things over.
Were the old policies bad?
Yes, if they weren't I wouldn't bother fixing them.
Do we actively support the downfall of Z?
I posted a thread about Z when I got banned. Before that I was at the forefront for trying to preserve the user base on Zoklet and try other method which don't flood/spam etc Z in any way. Hence the more informed approach. I have been accused of many things, but I don't play with PI, don't use Mulitple Accounts. These are some things that I follow religiously. I cannot hold or stop others users from doing what they like, it's their choice. But from the Administration side, we don't support this until now. Since the Feds were involved iI have changed my stance.
We did the same thing Zoklet did to DG?
Yes, it was my fault because DG was invested with ZOklet poison, he has a way to get things across but they mostly result in more problem. When DG was invited this place was run by the community. Which meant I got feedback from everywhere, I asked and I asked but didn't come to fina; answer. He was removed.
Later when I changed everything and started really focusing on fixing things, I invited him and Spectral back. I even went to TDD and ask General to kindly invite Spectral. I was open to them and admitted my fault. They're here and they contribute like the y never did on Z. DaGuru is a gem, he proved us all wrong and showed his true wisdom regarding different things. I had to wear a thick skin but in the end the community benefitted.
I have only one goal in my mind, to protect the totse community. Period. I don't with bruning bridges and waging wars. I didn't plan to do them anyway. I will keep on pushing and make this place better and better and others will come, they will come eventually.
If you ask me, Z pwned itself badly anyway. I don't give a rat ass about it any more.The only thing that bugs me is the users logged IP addresses on that place. I am afraid other users might get hurt if Z decideds FedEX things again
Oh, btw everything is anonymous here and new and old mods cannot harm users via information any more.
So, bunghole it's exciting to see you posting leaks everywhere but honestly you could have made a bitch (like you did now after spamming other threads) and just asked for a quote from abc thread or just talked about it in the open.
I would have responded in the same fashion.
And the only bitches i see are those who've been doing the same dirty shit all along, the dox site is still up, still contains PI about members from here and zoklet both who never had anything to do with this drama.
And we're supposed to believe this place is any more secure? At least zoklet needed a federal warrant before giving up someone, the mods of this site have been doing it for teh lulz from day one.
And since hellish isn't in sand nigger territory you want to tell me this place is any more secure if the feds come knocking and tell him " we want xxxxusers ip info every time he posts, and if you don't give it to us we'll seize your domain, take down your site and find a dozen things to charge your administrators with." the asnwer will be "yessa massa, let me turn on that logging for you" and a backup will get made before the next scheduled wipe. and every one ater that until the feds have finished finger fucking your user data.
You make it sound like it's out of the ordinary for vbul to log IP's when any idiot knows it's standard, and that the .info crew are 3/4's the reason so many stringent anti-troll controls have to be in place on zoklet, to keep them from fucking the place up worse than they already do their very best to do. (pi bombs and flood attacks still go on all the fucking time now don't they?)
So zok complied with a federal warrant, which narrowly required him t give up information on a user who had enabled federal crimes to be organized on his website, and didn't risk catching a felony for screwing with a federal investigation in order to warn someone that had chosen to leave themselves vulnerable by not using tor while committing federal crimes (posting coupon templates).
I think your full of shit. your security is no better. your servers are no safer, and your admin is no braver. No One is going to risk themselves for some stranger on an internet forum who chose not to properly protect themselves. telling the users that you can is almost worse, by giving them a false sense of security they don't take the time to figure out how to protect themselves, or how to post INFORMATIONALLY, instead of posting EVIDENCE.
it makes me sick frankly, bunch of lying hypocrites.
You were moved to Limited group since I knew you would start going haywire and posting PI and lol leaks. It's not the end of transparency, read the ToS for once.
As for the false sense of security you're just being mad. We got complaint and even a direct request for banning of certain members. We handled the situation and dealt with it. Ih something happens we just transfer and move to the next host. The plan was to make portable as much as possible.
You can't blame the Administration for what the users like to do when they have some free time. Did you see huge announcements from website to attack Z? Nope, I didn't make any.
Honestly it's amazing to see how thick headed you are, you will just advocate some place that you knew fucked up and you're going to come here and bitch on another place that really want to help. It's sucks being you Bunghole, I mean you could have just voiced things out before but you went ahead and acted like a jerk and started being proud of lol leaking things.
What do you expect that we crown for that. Basically you're a snitch. And we hate snitches. You're one of those worms that like to dig deep and target foundations. The things you're pointing out happened when you were around. You could have stopped them but NO you went ahead with it and now when we finally put the past behind and didn't bother with Z drama you're here being OMG you guys are means and you're saying this and that. Z will destroy itself, we don't need to work on it.
You can shove Zok dick up your ass and huff his shit, we don't give a fuck. We don't give a fuck about your leaks. But don't expect us to be easy on you. It's one thing to excerise your freedom it's totally another thing to flood and threat users with Dox'ing things.
As for the IPs. They aren't logged. We went ahead and tried to make sure if something happens nothing will point to the users. We're not idiots here if the feds come we will comply but before that we will stand our ground and make sure everyone is safe. Oh, and don't worry about Hellish getting in trouble. We got that covered already.
So, in short, all your idiotic arguments are moot and you're basically talking about the past that we fixed and corrected. isn't PI central it was before but it isn't now. If there is something that's PI on domain it will be removed. We're not responsible for anything posted on other domains.
Have fun being ignorant and getting tricked.
OMG I am so fucking cool, I got modded on and acted like a snitch and logged everything just to mock fun at you guys HAHAHAHHAAH. That alone shows you're a bitch and can't be trusted in any way. It's one thing to reveal the truth (:facepalm:) but it's totally other to break others trust.
I am allowed to be mad at you because I treated you fairly and you were given every opportunity to help things out, the fact that you ran away and went Z happy isn't our fault. If anything you have to blame yourself for being a pussy and a snitch.
In short, BungHole. Go to hell. is a place for everyone but this isn't a place for snitches.
Was a mod of Laboratory Tips. and then left us on 1-17-2011 ( Didn't really give a reason for leaving just went away. I think we has posting on Totse. As a mod he didn't really do much but granted at that time I didn't have many users to work with.
But he acted like a cunt when leaving and banned Spectral:
He was kicked from the mod team for abusing powers.
So, in short this is the real BungHole. A power abusing asshole who not only snitches but sucks Zoks cock.
It's idiots like this that make Z shit, I am glad he isn't posting here.
lol and yet TDR is a mod :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
PS: LOL @ forum wars
Didn't snitch us out did he? He wasn't the one posting users IP addresses :facepalm:. OMG Fatty?
Thanks for the clariy Dfg, and I agree that Bunghole is a dweeb and hapless loser on quite a pathetic level. :thumbsdown:
HOWEVER, the screenshots he provided does paint a very grim picture from my vantage point. I'm pretty much on the fence right now about all of this, and hopefully the some of the staff can sway me back to the Totse side of things so I still have some hope.
What I'm curious about is exactly what was everyone else's reactions to the tripe that Poast and My Mom Is Dead were posting with their uber super secret campaign of internet faggotry :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:?
A lot of those posts had the tone of just discussing stuff, no real "debate" or having to be defensive about any of it....i.e. meaning they were NOT arguing with others. Surely there had to be SOMEONE that stood up and said something like...."dudes, just STFU and post on .info already, your nonsense and games are childish and absurd and has nothing to do with the spirit of the original Totse. Go play your cyber shadow games somewhere else and grow the fuck up already when you have some real life experiences to share".
So help me out here folks, when these 2 twits were prattling on with the most ridiculous and absurd logic possible in how to "build this userbase/website"....exactly who was standing up for common sense and reason, and trying to squash the stupidity?
Or am I literally a man amongst boys here......and nobody has a god-damn fuckin clue in the least? :eek:
forgotten TDR's posting of IP-derived google earth coordinates, have we?
So Comedy Central doesn't have a forum on their website? couldn't satiate your yucks? :rolleyes:
Or are you just a new-schooler Totsean that only really knew the Zok led(?) era of Totse, and by then it was 90% 4-chan stupidity that didn't have much of a standard for *GASP* quality....and this is why you are confused at what the "purpose" to what Totse was/is supposed to be about?
Posting up PI of Zoklet members so they think that site isn't safe isn't the way to get members. This site has a lot to offer but the fact that there's certain individuals fishing PI & baiting members with keyloggers isn't going to attract newcomers.
Mutha. Fuckin. This! ^^^^^^
Clearly there is still a huge division between 2 separate factions of Totse....
-Those that think Totse is about playing games on the computer with all of this trolling/doxing/herping/derping/kidiocy.
-And those that live out crazy experiences IRL and then come to a forum to chat about a fucked up world with some dicey and edgy discourse.
Until enough people (especially staff members/leaders of the website) band together and INSIST the game playing and kidiocy is silly and absurd, this place will never escape irrelevancy, nor will it ever "build" a userbase filled with QUALITY and COMPETENT people.
Serious questions - I'm a bit out of the loop.
I ain't talking about just doxing though Trx....I mean EVERYTHING off of Poast's keyboard in those M&A threads. It is, I don't even know how to find the words....a blithering mess of immaturity, stupidity, and just plain dumb.
Again, if these 2 fucktards were sitting around and spewing as if this was some kind of reasonable "plan"(ELL OH FUCKIN ELL) to help better or even attract better members......and hardly anyone stood up and said anything in opposition, it goes to show how backwards and fucked up most of the people are that actually have some kind of "power" here.
Me, had I read even one of those posts publicly and had opportunity to respond to it....I would have scoffed at him incessantly, and mocked just how much of a no-life loser he really was. Hell, I've been dogging Poast for close to 2 years now about how his "version" of Totse has been some perverted and twisted idea in his mind....and as usual I've been proven right all along just how much of a "quality" person and poster the little chump really is.
This is way beyond just doxing/PI abuse....instead its ALL ABOUT the foundational idealogy of what Totse is supposed to stand for, and what purpose it serves on the internet and for its users as a whole.
Looks like that reply worked too well, and I won't calidate it with more divisive sentences than we already have here.
I've been an &T member since the age of 15, so for me back in '06. Joined here within the first few weeks, donated etc and, like your prior post, have contributed (especially back on the .com domain) some pretty wretched, fucked up life experiences.
A few that come to mind were the Chicken jenkem, firing rockets out of my arsehole and having a sexual request thread which I fulfilled quite well with about 8 used condoms that spelt out "&ToTSE".
Now, where were we? Oh yes, kiddies.
and of course your hands aren't exactly clean now are they dfg?
sure, you were just kidding right? just like you were playing around when you let a group of mods set up a dox site for members right?
Just goes to show that if there's nothing to complain about, someone will feel the need to produce something to complain about. Something that's been over and done with for months. Something that has since been addressed, with policies changed to prevent it from happening again.
It doesn't matter what your join date was, how much money you donated, or how old you are.
My point is you sat back and watched all of this immature nonense go on, and your excuse to not try to better things or have at least SOME standard of posting or integrity for Totse is "i'm just here for the cheap jokes"......where in any mission statement or FAQ did you read that any of that was the essence of Totse?
I hear you. I have managed to mostly stay out of this but me posting that "Just here for the lulz" managed to rustle some feathers.
What I was actually referring to was this situation, in the fact that I don't take it too seriously. Of course you have to to an extent, but like trx said, it seems a little too kneejerk with some reactions.
So yes, when it comes to things like this, I just laugh and carry on - unless the definition of a word or sentence gets misconstewed, then I sit here trying to iron it out while I could be looking at other areas or exams in a week.
are u mad @ our swagger orjust autistic
whatever ur still gay as fuck
-mad at intrawebs
-faild at life
-whining froever
I cannot stop users from doing what they like. I did my best to keep people away from Zoklet. Read my above posts. As I said we have to go through tons of changes and we learned things.
It takes time to weed out the trash. I started with a handful of users and in that small bunch only few remained. Back in 2010 my job was to complete community wishes. They wanted fuck Zoklet so be it. We were facing other issues at that time. I tried to convince them that it won't do any good but who listens to anyone. So, I waited.
It's been GOD know how many months since this whole Zoklet vs thing died down. No PI was discussed here, no Dox was posted here. In fact the new rules which are in place now strictly are against any PI.
So, you're all going to just trash all the improvements and all the fixes and all the developments just because you saw something from the past?
It took me over a year to set the contributing mentality here. It's not easy to keep users focused. I have around 11,000+ posts, I don't recall Admins having such a high post count. The reason I have that many posts is because I stressed on becoming better and not wasting time to dispute and lulz.
But that was me, and no many people tend to agree with this approach. So, I had to wait till everything settled down. And now when all those old fixes have been ironed out, all those idiots have been kicked, we have this idiotic leak. It's not like I didn't see this coming. I am firm believer in karma. So, I will not back down and I will defend my position.
The leaks show progress. I can dump all threads here if you want. But that won't better since the discussing was valid for that time only. I used to discuss things in the open but thanks to snitches I am forced to keep things hidden. But I am open for PM.
The point is, you're looking at the past. It was dirty, it was shameful and it really did happen. We were developing and just phasing things out. Those would wanted lulz and wanted to trash places left us. Because we didn't want to that. There have been numrous threads about attacking totse2, zoklet, tdd. But no one bothered with it, They did back in 2010. Mostly lead by poast but we all saw it did nothing. It was just wasting time.
So, most people just said fuck it and invested time in this place. Granted back in 2010 and even in 2011 we made huge mistakes. But you can't blame us. We started from scratch. We didn't have a totse forum mirror, we didn't have any old rules or records. We created this place bit by bit. We worked on foundations, the data we got was from totseans. Some were old and some were new.
The forum you see here is different. We have changed in so many ways that's hard to list. We're no longer clueless. We're focused on being transparent and our goal is and will remain to unite the Totse clan. It may take a year or two but it will happen, we will make it happen but with hard work and dedication, not with stupid raids and BS schemes.
We're way past that. I do apologize for not controlling things in the past but I was just a user who turned Mod and then Admin. Like others I was growing up as well. Other mods that you point fingers at grew up as well.
So, guys before you try to go all nazi on us, just think for a second. This place is created by totseans for totseans. Althought things didn't work out in the past but that doesn't mean they won't in future. We did what we can with what he had. If you gave me old totseans I am sure I would have molded this place differently but all I got were few users with little or no Totse background.
So, just consider this.
You've read my take on this particular issue and taken it too personally, because I wasn't calling out just you, but each and every staff member that had M&A capabilities back then. Trust me man, there are MANY changes around here you and only you can make happen...and the "decision" about certain things rest squarely on your shoulders. But this is not one of them, and the ENTIRE STAFF FAILED by just twiddling their dicks and listening to his outrageous and immature ideas without mocking the fucker back to whatever playground he crawled out from under.
So while I very much appreciate all the things you've said on this thread (and I agree with most of it)....none of this was an insult or even an inquiry to you personally. It was a statement on the collective mindset of the entire staff back then, and you seemed to be just one of many that shared in the mistake of not putting a stupid little kidiot in his place when he needed to be backhanded back into reality.
I disagreed with a lot of that shit, but of course the only thing he saved from me was my resignation thread. I was never into PI or doxing and I said as much. The only PI I wanted was a sex tape that poast never posted.
Didn't you see that last screenshot?
I like poast-bortem!. Now, I know some users are always trolls at heart, but poast and I have been together against zoklet for almost two years now, and I will always admit that I do believe in the "us versus them" mentality. I think there is a battle between and zoklet based on serious issues, (i take my internet very seriously
And because of the conflict between both forums, I have always expected users to pick their sides, and have their fights. However, I did not want to use PI of regular users, even in the "operation" thread, I supported the fight with zoklet, but questioned if there was another way.
That screenshot is from the thread made soon after -SpectraL and you were banned (a ban that I have always disagreed with), and in the thread, some were considering using -SpectraL's supposed PI, but I thought that would be the wrong move and opposed it, and poast seemed to agree. So, some oppositions do exist.
Sure enough you did, and I'm glad at least one staffer had the brains as well as sauce to say SOMETHING to disagree with post. :thumbsup:
Congrats on apparently hitting puberty before the rest of your peers Vozdhe, and I hope they join you into adulthood sooner than laner.
Speaking of being relevant, if you really want to cut ties with Poast and his stupidity....could I make one teeny weeny suggestion? Could someone please unsticky the Doodleball silliness, since that has been irrelevant for several months.
I know that sounds like something minor, but oftentimes it really is the little things that count. I for one don't want to be associated with such foolishness, and I don't think Totse was ever about coloring between the lines on your kids meal. Granted, I know some other people had some fun giving AT&T all the free publicity....but for me reading those threads it was chock full of embarrasement. :thumbsdown:
I'm sorry, but I don't want to be aligned with pathetic morons like Poast coming on saying stuff like....."I've got the next 19 hours to mess with Drawball, we are gonna fuck shit up and this is gonna be soooooooo epic!" :facepalm: :facepalm:
Again, that is NOT what Totse was about....wasting time with ponderous activities most grade schoolers get bored of. And I don't know how those kind of threads that are advertised/stickied is going to attract or build the kind of people Totse SUPPOSEDLY wants to have posting here.
Fang, I don't doubt your integrity and maturity was already shown for what it was during the whole Yoda embarrasement. :thumbsup:
You know I agree with you and spec on a lot of things, including this. Just different reasons, sometimes.
Can we please un-sticky that thread.
Sorry if I sounded a bit too harsh but I wrote that post around 5 AM
I wish I could open M&A for everyone but thanks to snitches and mostly feds, my hands are tied
Kind of like wikileaks. Those documents are incomplete. If you want I can give you the complete threads. It's like reading everything out of context. When I create a thread in M&A I am basically looking for feedback and help. And plus I share my concerns and wait to get my ass kicked if I am doing something wrong.
That's my entire point though Boozer, no one individual should need some FAQ of Life to guide them in what they believe is right or wrong. You shouldn't need a collective mindset of "geez, Poast sounds like a real fuckin chump here....and this ain't what I signed up for" written in the moderator guidelines for people to speak out against such stupidity.
Listen, I'm sure people believe I'm beating a dead horse here..... again I'm trying to continue discussion for a standard/purpose before new folks start plodding ahead with equally absurd ideas of how to spread the word about Totse. Or what its purpose is. Real life example in my near future to make my point....
This November I'll be going to LegoKidsfest with my family....
Inevitably, I'll have any innumerable amount of opportunities to mingle with folks, and I'm sure with all the projects they have going....I could get quite creative in putting a URL link together. Whether making something with Legos itself...or just handing out fliers of some sort, I would have a huge ocean of people that I could very easily send over here.
But do I want to? I mean you want a sudden tsunami of pre-teens to come over as a userbase? :facepalm:
No, what I'll end up doing is what any respectable Totsean would do. Go to the event, have the time of my life....and come back here to post any stories/pics/thought provoking coolness I witnessed. :cool:
What Poast did in these threads shown is barely above dredging the Lego community as a desperate grasp to get people to come over here and join. The staff shouldn't need an admin or written rule to tell me I would be batshit insane to advertise at Legoloand if I started prattling on with such a fucked up idea....instead common sense and reason should be your guidepost for the future. :thumbsup:
The rules are there for a reason but sometimes using common sense and logical reasoning is better. We're constantly improving and implementing new changes in order to keep ahead of everyone and sometimes we do make mistakes. Hence, if you see us doing something stupid, just make a thread about it. Thanks to DaGuru for pointing out such as obvious thing.
Read the introduction.
Seems like you the only person i agree with!