Ok so with all these Hipster-bandwagon "Revolutions" which end in more heartbreak and anger (as can be seen now in Egypt), there should be a way for things to get better, not worse, under a new system.
What people don't realise is there's no point changing your Nation unless some others follow suit as you'll soon be alone in the world. Think of the bigger picture.
So without further-a-do:
Protests work only if you are willing to risk
a) Missing days from Work. Protesting on a Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday is pointless. You have to harm the economy further to make it spring back.
b) If you miss days from Work, be prepared to take the shit. Push them far enough, with enough people, then things will begin to change as the company hasn't enough money or workforce to keep it running.
c) Plan a 5 day or longer protest. 1 day does nothing. Look toward Egypt, Libya and other Nations who have at least given their Government a good kick in the arse to say they are pissed off. Just remember that they are now worse off than before, but if you feel that passionate, you won't care...much
Why don't Black Blocs work as well now?
a) We have too small-a-numbers to achieve anything. Like the Protest notes above, you need a good 500+ people in a Bloc to achieve anything.
b) Smashing shopfronts and throwing smoke bombs will only get you so far. In fact it just means the Company will have to spend their vast tax-free money on a bit of an insurance claim. You may feel like you are achieving something by booting that window in, but really, you aren't.
c) Diversity. You need targets and an air of mystery around it all. Communicate along secret lines that are encrypted. Don't go posting it on Facebook or Twitter. Police forces use these and so do Govt Intelligence Services. You're only making your own noose. Also I know the Left hate to be ordered around but you need some kind of common target. Don't go running down side-streets in groups of about 50 as you'll just get kettled and fucked over, then made more angry.
So how can we hit businesses and ultimately the Government?
This will take time, and by time I mean anything up to a year. Groups, or cells, of people who work in Businesses or in close proximity with Public/Political figures will be valued the most. Those who work in large Corporations will be a close 2nd, and the small-scale demos and attacks will be the largest number, and no less important.
Those who work in close proximity with Public/Political figures.
- Realise your Employer or other figure is fucing you over. You're a laughing stock to them and their friends. You're the middle-class person who wishes you could be like the ones you work for. Every day you turn up to work is another day they laugh and pity you.
- Get acquainted with ways of taking these people out. You can either poison, blow up or otherwise incapacitate them. There are plenty of guides online covering how to make poisons and explosives.
- You know your work protocol. Do you have to be searched? Well where do they not pat you down or scan you? Are there any alternate ways of gaining access to the building/vicinity? Do you know anyone that could also help you and that is trustworthy?
- Know that by doing this you are helping your fellow man.
Those who work in large Corporations/Businesses.
- You keep the rich running. Every day you turn up to work you push the wheels of Capitalism round. You're milked and paid next to nothing for your service to your fellow man. You can change this.
- Large Banks.
- Familiarise yourself with explosive or poison recipes. Target for effect, not necessarily to kill. Imagine is suddenly, the CEO's of the major banks of your Country were all taken ill at the same time.
- Share work secrets with those in the Public. Bring shame and corruption to those who have fucked you over. Wikileaks 2.0?
- Communications. It doesn't take a genius to work out the locations of Sub-Stations and cable hubs. Target these with thermite to completely destroy the communications infrastructure of a large Town or City, depending on your abilities and numbers. Alternatively you could use any other method, just don't kill yourself.
- Large Corporations.
- As said above, Wikileaks 2.0? What REALLY happens at your place of employment? What don't Johnny Public know?
- Sabotage products. This worked to great effect in WW2 to stop or at least slow down the Arms manufacturing process.
- Place malicious code on the Network. We call upon all Network Admins and Techs to create exceptions for this malicious code. Forewarn people you trust, and take the network down internally.
- Refuse to turn up to work. Strikes work well if done for long enough with a big group of people. I'm talking a good week, here. Blockade gates and stand your fucking ground. Resist Police in a passive-aggressive manner, look online for guides on blockading and other Protest/Anti-Arrest tactics. There are plenty of PDF files online.
Students, Youth, Housewives/Mothers, Disabled and anyone else.
- You are the next generation or disenfranchised current generation. Do you want to either sit by and watch the mistakes of the past Century happen again and again? Or even contribute to it once you Graduate? I'm hoping not. Humankind is too delicate to even risk that, and we are the product of billions of years of evolution - so begin to fucking ACT LIKE IT!
- Universities. Stage walk outs. Look at your Lecturers now. They are all losing their jobs and striking. Why can't you? Your protests achieved nothing aside from more frustration. This time, with enough coordination, you could really change things.
- Do NOT give money to the National Union of Students. It is a Lib Dem/Labour group who give your membership money to the Government who have just screwed you over.
- Spread this document.
- Learn to fight, Guerilla style. You can find Military Manuals online and with BitTorrent. Also learn self-defence and ambush tactics.
- Learn to wheatpaste and graffiti to spread the word, not your word. The word.
- Learn to properly riot. I mean shields, weapons and tactics. Not a loose gaggle of 100 or so kids dressed in black. I'm talking 1,000+, in some cases, that's 20% of a University population!
- Learn to wage a Netwar. DDoS and defacing websites. Look at Metasploit, Packet Sniffing and hacking WIFI networks if you're targetting the Business internally.
Disabled people. I'm sure you're sick of the way the Government treats you, too. Also remember the amount of pricks who take Disability Benefits fraudulently. They are just as bad as the rick tax-dodgers.
So remember, you don't have to just be all "hurrdurr hate the rich".
- Learn to wage Netwar, as above.
- Blockade entrances to shops and businesses with wheelchairs. You may laugh, but it's a good tactic.
- Organise! There are support groups, so find cantacts through them, as well.
Mothers. Hate seeing your other half (or maybe not) return from a hard days work with just enough to feed the family?
- Learn to make explosive recipes. Plenty of info online.
- Get your children involved.
- Be the respectable face of change!
Youth. I'm sure you're sick of being labelled "thugs" and "trouble makers" who hang on street corners. Well we all were that at one time..
- Learn to be disruptive. It works with a group of about 1 to 3, but gang together!
- Invest in slingshots, spraypaint, wheatpaste as well as ways of communicating OTHER than Facebook or Twitter. Also, learn to TOR.
- Learn hit and run tactics. If you live in a major City then target large Businesses or Political buildings. Keep Librarys and Educational facilities intact as we will need these to help rebuild. I know, books suck but they can be helpful as well.
In short - we are all sick of the way this world is going. If you want to change it, then feel free to distribute this document and organise your own cells to take direct action.
- Loose lips sink ships.
- Always use encrypted connections.
- Do NOT advertise online, ESPECIALLY Social Networking sites. That's a surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot. They aren't safe.
- Take your time. Slowly amass information on target locations and keep below the radar. Moving too fast will attract attention.
- Do not kill. You must keep support at a slowly increasing level. Trip up once and that's the end.
- Do not target local shops or businesses. They are struggling, too. Target big, tax-dodging Corporations and Government buildings.
- Attempt to win the Police and Armed Forces over. Of course, this takes time and subvertive tactics. It's not an overnight change.
- "Big Brother" is only as big as you imagine.
- Learn to use Social Engineering to your advantage.
- Educate yourself. All you need is kept online. Just search for Military Manuals, Guerilla tactics and explosive mixtures online. Use TOR though!
- ORGANISE! There is no use Protesting in a group which is smaller than 500 or coordinating an attack on a large corporation with 1 person. Sure it may be achievable, but the larger the numbers, within reason and safety, is the best method.
So yeah, your idea? :hai:
Meh, im probably on some of those watchlists already, but "they" have probably written me off as "mostly harmless" already.
Anyway, sounds like a good start if one were to (hypotheticly of course...) want to start something like that.
The key seems to be strenght in numbers, and with us westerners inability to agree on anything i think things will have to get alot worse before the "common man" thinks about revolution seriously.
There have been a few hypothetical discussions, and this is one of them, on how to overthrow a Government, how to riot, start a Revolution, and even guess how Bin Laden would carry out his planned attacks. I will find the links to the others when I have the time, as I am rushing now.
If Dfg or any of the staff have an issue surrounding this easily transferrable (as in, you can easily apply it to any Nation in the Western World) then they may remove it and give me a dressing down. However I believe in freedom of thought and simply put - it's hypothetical, as is most of BI. Also, if you are paranoid about a "watch list" then I suggest TOR.
As for strength in numbers, it certainly is. Look at the Eastern "revolutions". Those people camped in their Cities by the hundreds-of-thousands, and finally some notice was taken (although in my eyes, it went pear shaped as soon as people started to get carried away with emotion). Westerners are too tied down with monetary issues, having to keep the family going and the fear of losing their jobs. I thought that if enough people stood up or sat down in a place and took action, then they wouldn't necessarily have to fear losing their jobs, but at least notice would be taken without necessarily overthrowing the Government.
I also believe in freedom of thought and was not too serious in my post, i dont think the things discused on a public forum is what the intelligence agencies bother to look for.
Just to make myself clear, i got nothing against discussions like this.
It was more of a pointer at the paranoia about the events at Zoklet and the general feeling that some seem to have that "they" are watching us here on TOTSE, i do not think this forum is big enough to even bother with for most law enforcement.
Which is why no one bothers.
Not if you replace the ruling party with yourself.
But yeah, thats a good point.
Purely for entertainment and historical purposes, it describes the key elements of the coup by analyzing the history of coup's on a global level. Good luck overthrowing a western government unless you have a REALLY good plan...
some interesting key elements to the coup, certainly appropriate to bad ideas...
1.)Blocking major highways, railways, roadways, canals etc. (transport corridors)
2.)Seizing and/or destroying telecommunications networks (radio, television, internet, phone etc.)
3.)Seizing and/or destroying power generators
But this is nothing. The book goes on to explain in detail what conditions are required to overthrow the government.