Continuing from my thread titled "for those who care about me and my problem" posted on the shit pit zoklet a few days ago. I will give a brief recap for those of you who didn't see it:
So, I used to be a certified mental patient. I went to see my psychiatrist a few days ago, and he told me that I am now de-certified/a voluntary patient. Then I said, "so, does this mean I can move to Toronto if I want?" Then he says, "You know, I can always re-certify you". Then I said, "but I am not ill anymore. You can only certify someone only if he/she is truly crazy/ill". Then he said, "I can certify you if I THINK you are GOING to get ill." Then he said some shit about how he would take me to court if he had to, to keep me in BC, despite the fact I am now a voluntary patient and technically I should be able to move to anywhere in Canada I want.
I have decided to take him to court. And I have called up a local free legal advice place, and am now waiting for them to call me back. I am seeing him again on Wednesday, and I have decided to bring a small tape recorder to record our conversation. I am doing this because I hope to capture him on tape saying 1. he refuses to arrange for me to go see a psychiatrist in Ontario, 2. trying to keep me in BC by threatening to re-certify me when I am in fact not ill, and 3. to show to the future judge and whoever will have to listen to the tape that I am indeed sane, and shouldn't be certified.
But at the same time I also don't want to antagonize my psychiatrist. So my question for you is this: should I be upfront and tell him that I have a tape recorder on my person, or should I just keep it hidden and recording? Which is better? Thanks.
Ask me any questions to clarify the situation for you.
sure. how and where do I join up in IRC? Or do you have msn?
I went but there was nobody there.
The Canadian government discredited me with mental illness to keep my political views to myself. I do not know exactly what agency it was but I knew it was the government; because there were a lot of people who worked together to drive me insane.
It might also not hurt to look up your local laws concerning how tape recording would work as evidence.
Paranoid Schizophrenic.
what spazz says is good advice, go talk to him/her (idk the gender of spazz, sorry spazz).
You do realize this sounds insane? What political views do you have that would cause an entire government to discredit you?
I dun goofed.
I kind of wanted to k*ll all jews. I forgot how it went or exactly what it was that I did, it's been a long time.
Yep. Abilify.
Wait a year or so before bringing the subject up again, give yourself some time to prove you are not crazy.
If you go to court and lose you are going to be in real shit.
And besides, how bad can BC be? (Ok i admit i have no idea how bad BC is, must be better then being locked up at the looney house tho...)
You're in Canada you fucking cryhard, you wanna act tuff well guess the fuck what I don't even have health insurance.
canadian zoklet-tier troll-pusscake cryhard.
What is the most amount of your own fingers you have had in your vagina and anus at the same time?