For the last few weeks, has been going through some radical changes. Originally we had some problems with communication but thanks to Skype and Teamspeak we're a much stronger and well coordinated team now. Obviously we're still working out the kinks and some of the staff members have some IRL issues but overall the projection looks good.
I just checked our stats with my friend from Tekgoblin, originally I was aiming to come close to his website traffic but it seems I am pretty much getting more traffic than Tek which honestly was a surprise. I thought it might take a few more months and hard work. Cocklet has been slowly losing rank and traffic and while they're losing we're gaining.
Improvise, adopt and aim for the new horizon, that's what drives me and most of components. We focused on original content generation and it has led to some firm standing. We're still climbing but I do fear we will face more issues in future and we might self destruct we don't solve our issues.
I have been in deep discussion with the staff using voice because it's better than words on a screen and through discussion, I found that is blessed with gems. I mean I pretty much know what they're good at but once you start talking with people, you see a whole new side to them, it's like clearing of the mist or getting connected to a better Internet connection.
So, expect some major changes in the coming weeks and months. I would highly advise users to come chat with me on Teamspeak or Skype. I know my accent sucks and my English is shit but I am sure I will be able to understand your view points and help you better.
Future Changes:
A) Staff Changes (it's a surprise)

New Rules (Rule Revision)
C) Better Website speed (Optimization)
D) Youtube/Podcast Shows (Yep, we're doing it)
E) Magazine/PDF (Yep, we're doing that as well)
F) More marketing and stunts (Yep, we will do that)
G) More content and more media coverage.
I) Mainstream (competing with Major websites)
We have the power and will power to surpass in some areas, I am sure we can't have the same user base as we did in the past but I am confident that unlike the losers and unemployed idiots with nothing to do in life, we just might have people with real experience and jobs and knowledge.
It's a new age people, learn to move with times or perish in the darkness.
So, mods I know you're taking time off but be prepared because things will get HOT in here soon.
So get your ass in TeamSpeak and help with suggestions and possibly pitching in bro.