Check it out, I scored myself some weird Dell postal stickers the other day. Not very practical, I don't think. But cool nonetheless, and good for writing TOTSE on and slapping in places.
One of my friends got a full drum set outta a skip before?
Oh and an electric scooter.
I once got an armchair with wheels on from a skip. It was a little messed up with some wierd stains on, so I didn't keep it. Instead, me and my friends took it for a test drive on the skatepark, and down some hills etc.
EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention the time that I went up a portable skate-ramp, and landed on the hood of my friends car. Didn't even leave a scratch, was awesome.
Dumpster diving is awesome, most of my computer gear either comes from a dumpster or have been partly payed with money made on selling old junk from dumpsters.
My temporary file server im using right now have the motherboard from one pc i found, the cpu from another and have 6 harddrives atm, only one of the drives i have bought new.
Two of the drives were found in a dumpster, total its around 900 something GB of storage. Not much by todays standard, but since it was almost free im not complaining.
My dads friend is Trashman, and he gets some of the coolest shit out of the fucking trash. Stereo systems, DVDs, rich people throw away shit I would pay for.
also, hard rubbish collections ftw. Some cunts throw out working new-ish computers around here.
Oh and an electric scooter.
Was it good? Or do you think it tasted expired?
It was still warm, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't expired. There was also blood on it, which means it can really take a beating without breaking.
I once got an armchair with wheels on from a skip. It was a little messed up with some wierd stains on, so I didn't keep it. Instead, me and my friends took it for a test drive on the skatepark, and down some hills etc.
EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention the time that I went up a portable skate-ramp, and landed on the hood of my friends car. Didn't even leave a scratch, was awesome.
My temporary file server im using right now have the motherboard from one pc i found, the cpu from another and have 6 harddrives atm, only one of the drives i have bought new.
Two of the drives were found in a dumpster, total its around 900 something GB of storage. Not much by todays standard, but since it was almost free im not complaining.
You only think that because you got beaten up by a pack of bums that last time you tried to dumpster dive