Looking for Porn, Try Wikipedia

DfgDfg Admin
edited June 2012 in Spurious Generalities
This may or may not surprise you but Wikipedia host tons of adult related material which can easily be accessed by anyone. Even in schools and Universities. You might wonder how the hell it's possible for Adult material to exist on Wikipedia. Remember rule 34, same rule applies to Wikipedia. Thanks to some creative trolls you can find some very interesting pictures by just randomly searching for simple phrases.

This doesn't surprise me, it's one of the drawbacks of have an open system. Anyone can edit, anyone can add and you guessed it, anyone can mess it up. It's one of the reason why I don't allow uploads or give access to everyone to core functions or even simple functions. It's human nature to be curious and we all know what men think most of the time. I am tempted to go on Wikipedia and upload some files for fun :D.

Anyway, just to prove that I am not making this up, following links will you give you a taste of what Wikipedia holds. Btw, if you're looking for research type material, chances are you won't spot anything NSFW.

Toothbrush: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=images&search=toothbrush&fulltext=Search [
Human female: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&limit=250&offset=100&redirs=0&profile=images&search=human+female
Human male: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=images&search=human+male&fulltext=Search
Jumping ball: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=images&search=jumping+ball&fulltext=Search [

Wikipedia articles:

But Porn is something people will eventually get exposed too. You don't turn out to be a rapist if you get exposed to Adult material. It's just not true. There is always a compromise when you're dealing with an open content management system. I suggest parents not to discourage the child, in fact if he really want to see adult material, a simple keyword is all he needs. The current generation is more open to it. Hell, last night I read a whole thread with people telling their family secrets, I am not easily shocked but the tales of incest, torture were enough for me.

In other words, the world is already screwed up. Just educate your children about these things *which are natural* instead of blocking out the world in hope that the children will remain innocent. Focus on building morals and a strong core.


  • ThirdRockFromTheSunThirdRockFromTheSun <b style="color:blue;">Third<em style="color:pink;">Cock</em>FromThe<em style="color:brown;">Bum</em
    edited June 2012
    I just watched that "A Free Ride" movie. I don't know whether to be proud or slightly disturbed that I can now say I've seen a silent pornographic film. Good find bro, but I'm not surprised it was you who found it!
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited June 2012
    I just watched that "A Free Ride" movie. I don't know whether to be proud or slightly disturbed that I can now say I've seen a silent pornographic film. Good find bro, but I'm not surprised it was you who found it!

    There was a story on Slashdot regarding Wikimedia Foundation move to remove or filter NSFW content. The links were found there but the guy who posted it didn't use his nick. Hence, I couldn't credit him. I honestly surprised myself.
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