Zok told me that totse closed to lack of money from advertisers and legal costs
I think he was bullshitting me
but I like this place, so if there ever is a time where this place is having trouble, let us know, and I would be glad to try to help out, as I am sure at least someone else would too
And after fucking his afro, poopoo on his stupid face.
He made fuck all from advertising.
Totse closed because the new generation, most of the people here, destroyed what totse was.
I was lucky, I joined at the end of the OG, I had a year or 2 on Totse, before it was over ran by the new generation noobs.
Most people here claim to be bringing back the totse spirit, fuck, you don't even know what the totse spirit is. You know what the NG totse is, the totse you all helped destroy. Why the fuck would you want to remake that.
The people here who claim to be from 03/04/05, they blatantly weren't. Maybe one or 2 sure, but nearly everyone here are the NG, and the reason Jeff shut totse down in the first place.
If he saw this site he'd facepalm hard.
Speaking of schizophrenics, where is kathaksung?
This fag is a prime example of everything totse wasn't but will claim it is.
Bitch and Moan
There is no stating the obvious forum.
Sorry if I bring home truths of you all beings fags and the reason totse died, but it's true.
Totse. Serious business.
I know what you're saying. The truth hurts. I've been going to the website since about the year 2000 or before because I faintly remember the new millennium scare. I registered around 2001-2002 mostly as spam accounts (well they turned into that) to join in on the page floods. My serious account started in 2003 as this name but I only posted in the Winter every year for some reason mostly because I couldn't stand the damn place any longer than a month and winter was my break period with nothing to do.
Some good things did come about in 2007 but IMO anyone from 2008 to the end didn't know what Totse was unless they actually lurked for awhile. You had to spend at least 2 years on the site+forums IMO to get the general understanding of the place and its greatness.
wat do i win
what do i win?
From 2006 totse went downhill. I don't know if I'd prefer to never have known what Totse was, rather than see what has become of it.
That image is so true. It's a shame people no longer stick to it.
It's depressing and falls into about the exact same year from my observation I thought it was going downhill. I mean, it was still fun to visit there, every once in a while though. I usually stopped by to see what was happening or if anything caught my attention. The only thing I liked was the massiveness of the userbase where at any time of the day you can get on and get involved in deep conversations. That's how I spent many of my nights wasting away in debates/arguements and even flame wars which were logical flame wars and not just this "Fuck you bitch" replies. People actually wanted to destroy a persons intellect and call them a bitch.
It's a shame because that picture highlights what it once was :-\. Oh and Jeff stopped because he was done after 20 years not becasue of something mysterious people. I'm sure the fact it was causing him more stress and day to day attention to maintain the site was also a big toll on him mentally. It's hard running a site that people actually expect every time they hit GO on the browser and try to give a fuck after years about keeping it up when you just want to relax and go outside and have some fun.
Stop pretending you're such a vet. Every few months there would be a thread on how "totse used to be so much better" and how the "noobs were killing it" even from when I was lurking (03).
It's still kinda fun to visit here and Zoklet, if it wasn't I wouldn't, it's just depressing to see all the little tweenies here claiming to rep the totse way when really they only knew totse when it was in it's death throes, when it was warped from what it really was.
And yea, I miss the classic flame wars, where it was based on intelligence not "lololololol ur a dumass lolol". When people would actually accept the other person is right rather than carrying on arguing just cos they're a dickhead.
In a way Zoklet is better than this place, just because it doesn't have all the noobs claiming to be bringing Totse back just because it looks like it. The ideals and userbase of this site are so opposite to what Totse was.
If this place is as great as everyone claims, why do most who post here still post on Zoklet?