Who's the person REALLY behind the keyboard posting on a forum?
I think all of us have wondered what people see us like at some point in our lives...probably when you're lying alone in bed replaying a conversation in your head that should have gone better, or wishing you should have said something when you didn't. Or wishing you HADN'T.
I think people see me primarily as being quite weird. Not necessarily the creepy weird, but the interesting weird. I'm not usually afraid to say something inappropriate if the moment calls for it, and my opinions on various topics differ greatly from others'. Whenever people describe me, it's always a combination of "strange", "odd" or "bizarre" but it's never said in a negative fashion. I'm guessing this probably applies to many of you...weirdos. :mad:
Humour has always been part of my life, too. I see a lot of humour in things that other people do not, which allows me to instill wit into unexpected things, and at unexpected times. Nobody has ever said "haha I was about to say that!" or "ooh I was thinking that".
But this whole weird factor I got going on only shows when I'm around people I know, or in social gatherings with people my age. If I meet somebody older, I pretty much act like a completely different person. My own family basically don't know who I am. They probably think I'm some kind of humble and ordinary person.
So come on...who are you?
Most of my friends would say I'm quite out there. I do, I think, and I say things that none of them would ever. However, people I just meet would say I'm quite a 'normal' person. I tend to lay low for awhile, then as I get to know the person, let my personality poke through.
Overall, I'm a happy guy and love the way I am. I've got a nice mix of friendliness, humour, and assholery going on. If people can't deal with my brand of humour or assholery, that's their problem.
I'm not much good at describing myself, but this was a glimpse into the world of Mayberry :cool:
Do something interesting, say something interesting, be real and don't give a fuck.
Really, I'm just looking for something interesting to happen.
Ill just go off that description.
I get all the bitches as well as money so you know.
I also collect snowboarding equipment, although I live in a sub-tropical region.
A clumsy, mediocre fool who, according to the opinion of another, is rather determined. I collect dried plants and mushrooms so that's kinda of strange.
I don't fucking know what my deal is. My mind seems to be fucking with me. I'm not sure whether or not certain things have happened or not, I'm not sure whether or not things are real sometimes.
EDIT: That's my take on things, anyway. If you asked someone I knew, they'd say nice things. They'd tell you I'm funny and smart and stuff like that.
and i kno wuts happenin' :mad:
no j/k you're alright
Yeah just by me saying that, makes me sound like a total faggot.