I dont believe it happened as most history claims. Its ben established that there were no gas chambers and most died from disease due to the war effort. They were relocated because of there loyalty to communists and there anti German efforts. It is a fact that no zyklon B could be found in the supposed gas chambers. Its been proven that Rudolf Hoes was tortured into making false confessions. Another fact most people dont know is that 99 percent of whats claimed occurred during the holohoax cannot be proven scientifically at all. The event was made up to further Jewish interests.
Theres very little evidence to support 6 million died contrary to what you think I'd say maybe 300,00 died.
I question who was really behind it. Theres compelling evidence the Mossad were the main group behind the attacks. Also like I said all evidence points toweards a vastly exaggerated holocaust.
They actually have a problem because of the amount of Jews that left germany during the time. The before and after numbers of jews under nazi occupied territory actually works against the holocaust myth.
Time Travel for Hitler.
The Rolf will state, however, that it has been Zionists who have continued to use the Holocaust in order to gain sympathy towards their semi-genocidal motives. Ooh, The Rolf is going to be called an anti-semite!
The numbers are exagerated. Yes. It is used to further Jewish interests. Yes. There was zyklon B found everywhere and I suspect that the term "gas chamber" would make you think that they are talking about chambers that have gas pumped in to them, they did not exist. What did exist where bunker-esq buildings with holes in the roof that the zyklon B was poured in to and the people inside would be left to breath in.
The Nazis themselfs admit the wide use of zyklon B and it wasn't just Rudolf Hoes. Most claim that the majority of it was used for disinfectant and delousing though.
You are applying the evidence from Aushwitz to the whole thing which is dumb.
No I apply everything Ive ever learned or read about the holocaust to come to my conclusions.
so........ you havent learned much
I can garuntee you I know more on the holocaust then you bra.
chaCHING-- ..wait, did you say Indie? .
Yes Ive read it and its all false and misleading evidene they provide.
The new World Trade Center is currently 34ish stories high.
Whether dying from disease, inhumane conditions or Zyklon B, does it really matter? The fact is that Jews were persecuted and a shitload of them died as a result. 6 million may be an overexageration, but it doesn't really matter.
Though it does get a disproportionate amount of coverage as opposed to the holodomor, or the genocide in Rwanda.
Also, from what I've seen, a disbelief in the holocaust is usually accompanied by antisemitism or bizarre conspiracy theories.
EDIT: inb4alfredhitchcockwasafilthyzionist
Present this evidence (Don't waste our time with the silly-as-shit sites that you usually use to back your arguments).
Also, in your opinion, if the holocaust as presented by history did indeed happen, would the actions taken by the Nazis have been acceptable? Would it have been wrong for them to attempt to exterminate Jews, Slavs, etc?
Aside from this, which is a good point, if you believe in the power of an autocratic national socialist form of government, then this should be a good example of the power such a government could wield. I have trouble believing that the level of exaggeration you suggest would be possible. The record keeping during that time might have been pretty shabby, but birth records were kept, and forensic historians have had years to piece together the personal timelines of people killed in concentration camps. Some of this work has probably been corrupted by Zionist sympathizers, but it is quite broad in scope, and includes research done by many non Jews. It also includes those who did not die in the camps but were either summarily executed, or starved to death in places like the Krakau ghetto.
That said, I am not too keen on the Zionist view of the holocaust either, they usually portray it as a campaign directed specifically at Jews, when in reality it was a much more widespread attempt to exterminate opposition to the Nazi regime. Polish Partisans, homosexuals, dissident intellectuals, free speech advocates, prisoners of war not of officer rank, French Resistance members, Catholics, and many other persons considered both bothersome and expendable by hitler were killed in the camps. The propaganda value for Zionists of portraying it as specifically against Jews was used to gain support for the creation of the state of Israel and to justify the hunting and extradition of war criminals in the following decades.
Another thing I take issue with is the term "THE Holocaust", how is it different than the other ethnic and political purges that have taken place?. The Maoist revolution, Stalins 3 year reforms, The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Bosnia?, Somalia?, do these ring a bell there Juden?, hell I'll throw in the French Revolution as well. To view "the" Holocaust in full historical perspective you must acknowledge that it was just one of a series of politically motivated acts undertaken through the years by political movements that used oppression, de-humanization of the enemy, and outright slaughter as a means to an end.
The holocaust did happen, and like the other events I mentioned, immense cruelty was undertaken by persons who had the idealistic view that they could create a better world for themselves by exterminating those that opposed them. I see no difference between this flawed idealism and bumfuck hippies who think they can change the world by "raising awareness" and shitty jam concerts.(props to Cartman). Both views are flawed, one in its aggressiveness one in its passivity.
"tick,tick, tick, tick, boom!. was it good for you too baby?"
addendum; zyklon-b was not the main method of extermination, it was simply an experiment, the ovens exterminated not through heat but by asphyxiation, and most were simply taken to a trench and shot, or died of starvation and disease. The ovens and gas chambers were created to appease the speed addled high command when they thought the final solution was not progressing quickly enough.
Human memory dictates, to a large extent, our current reality; ergo if people remember it then it did happen, irrespective of whether it actually happened or not.
You'd be retarded if you think it doesn't matter. The holocaust has been used to give the Jew's victim status. If it was proven that it didn't happen at least not to the extent it did then they would lose that status. Hell it would prove that Israel was founded on a lie.
'stres, what was the joke about the jew conspiracy'? I couldn't believe it
Yes dumbass me presenting real evidence that the holocaust was exaggerated is trolling.:facepalm:
You would not know real evidence if you caught it fucking your mother. You believe the tripe David Duke puts forth as if it were gospel.
You do realize agreeing with someones politics doesn't equal worship right? David Duke is the only honest politician in America thats why I respect him. Also he speaks the truth but if you want to continue to believe the Jews are just fine and dandy then go ahead.
Where is your "evidence" fucktard?
Learn to read. I posted links all through this thread.
You call that hate based tripe evidence?
According to people like you any site that questions the official story of the holocaust is "hate filled". Anyway here look at this Notice this sign at Auschwitz says one and a half million. Did 5 million more die after the war or something?
As for "the holocaust", I wish it had happened, I whole heartedly especially wish the stories about Dr Josef Mengele were true, but I'll be making another thread about him alone at another point in time, as he is the most vilified doctor of all time and in my opinion most certainly not deserving of it.
Sums my view up pretty much on the alleged holocaust, I wouldn't care if it did happen exactly as they say.
I find it somewhat futile to spend too much time on revisionism as interesting as it may be, it has no revolutionary purpose, they will just simply bring out more holocaust, world war 2 and nazi propaganda the moment more "anti-semitism" rises and make more money.
To not be too biased in this area, I'd suggest anyone to read The holocaust industry by Norman Finkelstein (jew) on how the jews and Israel use the "story" as a tool TODAY.
Revisionism doesn't need an awful lot of time spent on it, I'm more concerned with what is happening today, and looking at what Finkelstein says is a good place to start with exposing this.
But an extra for those interested in revisionism I'd suggest these to begin with:
Cole in Auschwitz
Holocaust debate with david cole- with commentary
(just follow the rest of the vids too, can't be bothered linking them all)
Here's a funny story of how jews act when someone tries to cut in on their racket;
The jews would never share a memorial with the gypsies, homosexuals or any other people. They hate people moving in on their money making or taking the lime light off them even a little bit.
Here's something I find particularly interesting about revisionism, the haavara agreement between the national socialists and zionists.
Very interesting, no?
Ben Hecht's Perfidy exposes Kastner too.
And believe me, the jews still would be a protected class even if the story was completely disproved and accepted.
Christians, Jews and Muslims are the rotten apples on the same tree; I won't take either of them, thanks.
Shut up, "national anarchist" faggot.
Anything with the name Anarchy in it is fail.