Need some users for Reddit.

DfgDfg Admin
edited September 2010 in Spurious Generalities
FTR We're not trying to game the system or exploit Reddit in anyway. The aim is to get fresh content on Reddit without flooding or spamming the sub reddits. If you're using reddit (or own/mod it) and have any complaints about this thread. Please, feel free to voice your concerns. We beleive in mutual partnerships and only want what is best for reddit and Totse.

I am trying to reddit certain threads but I actually can't. Since reddit blocks you if you're submitted threads don't work.

To counter this and to avoid flooding Reddit [something which we have to very careful about] I am going to a lot certain categories to users or mods. I would prefer mods but if any user who knows how to use Reddit wants to help. I am more than happy to use him.

Reddit uses Categories, like anime, sex, health, relationship. If I try to use all of them, reddit will automatically restrict me. Since, we just recovered from a server fuckup we lost good deal of traffic. I want to recover the traffic and get Totse back in shape.

The idea is,
Each user or selected user will Digg, Stumble, Reddit and Twitter threads from a single section. Those threads will be taken from Guide,Text-files,Howto prefixed threads. The goal is to keep certain high traffic section of reddits flowing with current threads.

Since 10 or so different users are doing this, it will not flood Reddit and we won't be reddit'ing just any thread.

What I need is some dedicated users who would like to help out. I don't mind doing this but I can't get passed by certain restrictions without getting Totse BANNED. Whatever happens, we can't get banned from Reddit.

Each user should make an account on Digg, Reddit, stumble and twitter. Once you have those accounts, post in this thread, I will allot you a section. Only you can submit threads from that section. After submission post the links to digg,stumble,reddit so users can vote them up.

You must spread your reddit submissions over 12 hours. If you submit one thread wait for 2 hours before submitting another and all the time make sure to keep the comments working. Respond to users. Read the guide before submitting because it will help you when someone questions you about it.

I will write a full guide on reddit and help you in every step. But in the end we will have a team of submitter's who will keep traffic flowing in. All this takes 10 minus or less if you know what you're doing. I can do it in 5 :).

Post in this thread if you're interested and ask for the section or forum.

I am going to check this thread after I come back from IRL work. Will take few hours.


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