Longest Awake Streak?

skyclaw441skyclaw441 Regular
edited September 2010 in Spurious Generalities
TOTSE, what's the longest period of time you've been awake? The longest I was awake was in freshman year of high school, I was up for 30 hours. Don't ask me why I did it, I was a friggin stupid kid. Now I value my sleep.


  • KamuyKamuy Acolyte
    edited September 2010
    Are you serious, only 30 hours?
    My longest was 133-5 hours achieved 4 weeks ago, could have went abit longer but was bored and went to bed for a couple hours.
  • zingalongzingalong Regular
    edited September 2010
    I only get about 3 hours sleep a night. Feels bad man.:(
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited September 2010
    The longest I've gone was during a sleep deprivation experiment: 66 hours. The experiment failed because I was trying to get 100 hours.
  • edited September 2010
    Only about 48 hours. I ended up being really tired and seeing funny electricity things flying everywhere. :facepalm:
  • BukujutsuBukujutsu The Angry Inch
    edited September 2010
    About 30 hours. I really can't handle sleep deprivation well and highly value a good night's rest.
  • edited September 2010
    Bukujutsu wrote: »
    About 30 hours. I really can't handle sleep deprivation well and highly value a good night's rest.

    Same, to be honest. I hate losing out on my sleep, as much as I actually hate HAVING to sleep.

    I don't enjoy going to bed because I have to wake up the next day, I enjoy going to sleep when I'm tired as fuck.
  • Professor ElmProfessor Elm Regular
    edited September 2010
    Probably around 40. I'm not a fan of staying awake for extreme hours.
  • edited September 2010
    I usually do the 48 hour streak during LAN parties with friends. Any other time and I'll try and sleep when I can :D
  • PopePope Regular
    edited September 2010
    77 hours

    It started out as a normal friday and turned into an intense party, then another party on saturday, then writing papers for finals on sunday and my last final on monday
  • duuudeduuude Regular
    edited September 2010
    I've never stayed awake longer than 24 hours while sober (never really tried either) but I stayed up for well over 40 hours tripping on acid once.
  • SkittlesSkittles Regular
    edited September 2010
    trx100 wrote: »
    Only about 48 hours. I ended up being really tired and seeing funny electricity things flying everywhere. :facepalm:

    I'm the same with the hallucinations :facepalm:

    My longest was probably around 96 hours. It really fucks you up.

    I think the strangest feeling is watching the sun go down and come back up. Whats even stranger is seeing it do that a few times in a row.
  • jamie madroxjamie madrox Sith Lord
    edited September 2010
    56 hours, no help from drugs.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited September 2010
    5 days. Yes drugs were involved. I start getting the hallucinations around the start of day 3 even without drugs.
  • HTS-NoobHTS-Noob Regular
    edited September 2010
    72 hours. maybe more. with adderall. was still shitty.

    62 hours without drugs, including an 8 hour shift at a warehouse at the tail end. It was pretty fucking lame.
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited September 2010
    1 day. I like sleep.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited September 2010
    Gary Oak wrote: »
    1 day. I like sleep.

    Your lucky Ive got chronic insomnia sleep dosnt come easy for me. I know this dude that can sleep like it's nothing like a dog or something. Ive always been jealous of that.
  • brandonbrandon Regular
    edited September 2010
    i stay up till past midnite alot :o:o:o:o
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited September 2010
    brandon wrote: »
    i stay up till past midnite alot :o:o:o:o

    Ur so kewl! My pairints dunt let me stai up that l8.
  • HelladamnleetHelladamnleet Banned
    edited September 2010
    About 6 weeks back when I was smoking meth.
  • 1357913579 Death Cog Machine
    edited September 2010
    about 4 or 5 days, no drugs (Caffeine, etc.) involved.

    it was about 3 summers ago, and all I did for those 4 or 5 days was read totse text files.

    All of them. Every single one, every single category (Except erotica). Found some great stuff and websites that are still up, too.

    Skittles wrote: »
    I think the strangest feeling is watching the sun go down and come back up. Whats even stranger is seeing it do that a few times in a row.

    Fucking this.
  • 1357913579 Death Cog Machine
    edited September 2010
    Many people on meth around here...I can't imagine it after being up for 3 days on adderall. I wanted to eat so badly, but couldn't...how do you get around this on meth?
  • BukujutsuBukujutsu The Angry Inch
    edited September 2010
    spazz wrote: »
    8 days.......meth, its a hell of a drug

    things get so crazy after just 3 days, I cant believe i lived through that shit.

    More info on the crazy experiences.

    It'd be great if everyone wrote more about the crazy stuff they experienced.
  • McSkluvinMcSkluvin Regular
    edited September 2010
    I'm not exactly sure, but I was up for 5 days with only about 6 hours of sleep during that time. No drugs were involved and it was just a weird time for me. And it's not that I didn't try to sleep, it's just that I couldn't get my brain to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking. >_<
  • sAINTsAINT Regular
    edited September 2010
    120 hours i believe, 5 days. I had a bag full of somewhere between 30-50 adderall 30mg and didnt stop till they were gone..had sores on my dick from fucking so much without nutting, sores on my tongue (i think from snorting them so much) and shit. It was loopy as fuck.
  • edited September 2010
    sAINT wrote: »
    120 hours i believe, 5 days. I had a bag full of somewhere between 30-50 adderall 30mg and didnt stop till they were gone..had sores on my dick from fucking so much without nutting, sores on my tongue (i think from snorting them so much) and shit. It was loopy as fuck.

    Lube dude, lube. :thumbsup:
  • HelladamnleetHelladamnleet Banned
    edited September 2010
    13579 wrote: »
    Many people on meth around here...I can't imagine it after being up for 3 days on adderall. I wanted to eat so badly, but couldn't...how do you get around this on meth?

    When you're smoking meth you pretty much don't want to eat. It takes care of it self in a way.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited September 2010
    When you're smoking meth you pretty much don't want to eat. It takes care of it self in a way.

    For me even the smell of food is pretty much repulsive while on certain drugs especially speed. When I was hard into drug use I lost mad weight.
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited September 2010
    24 hours.
  • BukujutsuBukujutsu The Angry Inch
    edited September 2010
    Oh, come on!
  • BukujutsuBukujutsu The Angry Inch
    edited September 2010
    Please, this sounds so good!

  • thewandererthewanderer Regular
    edited September 2010
    Not sure of the exact hours but about 2 and a half days.
  • BukujutsuBukujutsu The Angry Inch
    edited September 2010
    spazz wrote: »
    I will tell you about the seaventure in another thread if you want but not the tweaker stories, those are only for when i an high on it, I have a good 120mg dex buz in me. seems to make me type faster/with more feeling. or im just on drugs. IDK

    Yes, do it!
  • edited September 2010
    I think we should have a TOTSE awake marathon. We would all have to post on &T or IRC at the same time to prove that we're awake, etc.

    Whatcha say? :D
  • McSkluvinMcSkluvin Regular
    edited September 2010
    trx100 wrote: »
    I think we should have a TOTSE awake marathon. We would all have to post on &T or IRC at the same time to prove that we're awake, etc.

    Whatcha say? :D

    *sets up insomnia bot*

    Okay! ;)
  • DailyDaily Regular
    edited September 2010
    114 hours, no drugs. Straight up nigga shit, brah.
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