There could potentially be quite a lot of cash to be made doing this. For those who don't know, it is an elite private torrent tracker, and it has quite a lot of stuff you will not find anywhere else. Back before my account had gotten banned because I shared it with an idiot who let an 8th grader get on it and download garbage like Green Day until the account was banned for going over the limit, I was offered 40 dollars from one guy. People really want accounts on Part of the reason his offer was so high though may have been because I claimed to have another offer for $30.
There are two ways to get in to By invite, and by going to the interview IRC channel and taking a test on file formats and such. Unless you know some people with accounts, you're going to have to go with the 2nd option.
Server: Port: 6667
I didn't have too much trouble getting in because I happen to be extremely knowledgeable when it comes to music file formats and everything else pertaining to music piracy, but if you aren't then you want to read this before taking the test:
Then after you read it while you're taking the test, stay on the page and use CTRL + F to search for an answer real quick if you're having any trouble. You are given time limits for questions, so you have to do it as quickly as possible.
So now you've got one account made, repeat as long as you can find people to sell them to. They WILL check ip addresses though, so use a VPN or something to hide your ass. When I evaded the ban, my 2nd account was banned within an hour of creation. They WILL check the ip address to see if it has made an account before. If you make enough of them there may be a decent profit to be made.
I haven't actually done this, it's just an idea I wanted to throw out there. On another site I posted this on, somebody suggested getting one account and just selling the invites. This could potentially work, but you need to keep in mind that you don't automatically start out with invites to give out when you first register and that they may ban you if the person you invite gets banned.
Yes I admit I'm only throwing this idea out there because I'm still mad I got banned. :mad:
Maybe Warez boards. I'm sure loads of piracy noobs on them would love to get in to the supposedly elite
I mean, I wouldn't pay shit for that tracker.
When I had my account I could've sold my account for 60$. I didn't do it because I love being part of something private and cool :]
You have no idea what fast is if you're only using the pirate bay.