How and why I became a Marxist

DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
edited December 2010 in Spurious Generalities
A lot of you seem to think I'm a troll because you believe I've changed my ideas to quickly even though I haven't. While I don't have to explain shit to you I'm bored and will write up on how I came to embrace Marxism.

I've always believed in Socialism hence me liking Hitler and using a Swastika Avatar. A lot of dumbasses don't realize Nazism is Left wing but it is. Anyway I've been growing increasingly hateful towards Capitalism and I don't see how others aren't. Anyone who thinks Capitalism means those who work the hardest get the most I ask you to explain Paris Hilton to me? What work has she done?

I find it disgusting that capitalism allows a corporation to be so greedy that it refuses to higher American workers and instead uses slave labor from places like the Ivory Coast and sweat shops in China over seas.

I hate how capitalism nearly led to the complete collapse of our economy by allowing the greed of company's like Goldmann Sacks and Fannie Mae to knowingly lie to consumers and cause them to buy things they couldn't afford.

I hate how instead of the people having a say in government elections are decided by who can kiss the most ass on wall street. Our economic crisis has been caused by Capitalism and that is so obvious it's painful.

I listen to people like Glenn Beck claim loss of freedom is the cause yet these people cherish freedom so much they dont care if it takes the country down in flames with it. He even called Obama a Marxist. What a fucking joke.

Obama is just another capitalist loving politician in bed with the corporations. Instead of passing true healthcare reform and providing free healthcare to all he passes a shit version that only served to increase insurance dues for middle class family's.

Capitalism also allows the illegal immigrants to come in and take American jobs because they will work longer for less pay. Eventually I realized just plain Socialism wont do but we need a full on Marxist government that uses PURE Marxist doctrine. I realized how Marxism is the only ideology that truly has the peoples best interests in mind.

Furthermore I realized that Marxism happening is inevitable. Just as we went from monarchy and Feudalism to Capitalism it is inevitable that the people and the workers will eventually begin to control the means of production. After this you will see the gradual dissolving of governmental powers until the people truly run the country.

What I still hate though are Social Marxists who promote equality of the races and rights for the queer. Those aren't the true Marxists they're the ones who have hijacked a great philosophy and twisted it into there own.

Anyway anyone who thinks I'm a troll can go fuck themselves but this I hope briefly covers why I embrace Marxism and Nationalism as the way forward. This wasn't a sudden change of mind but an evolution of ideals.


  • edited December 2010
    See Also: Soviet Union, North Korea, Vietnam.

    Communism doesn't work.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    See Also: Soviet Union, North Korea, Vietnam.

    Communism doesn't work.

    North Korea is hurting because of Sanctions by the rest of the world not because of the government:facepalm: The USSR did fine until Brezhnev and Gorbachev came along and rampant corruption took over along with that disastrous war in Afghanistan.
  • edited December 2010

    Look at all that economic development.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    So you find one picture of farmers in Vietnam and use that basis to claim Socialism in that country has failed? Try reading up on what the south Vietnamese government was like before the North took them over it was nothing but a corrupt lying oppressive regime.

    When Ho Chi Minh liberated the south they've been much better off since. But your a retard so instead of replying with actual argument as to why it doesn't work you can only post a picture. BTW I can post a picture to and make America look bad. Look at that prosperity ion the projects.

  • edited December 2010
    Because you're simple minded and your beliefs are fickle?
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    Because you're simple minded and your beliefs are fickle?

    I'm smarter than you are you nigger loving faggot:facepalm: Ideas can and do evolve.
  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited December 2010
    What does socialism mean to you?
    What exactly parts of Marxism do you subscribe to ?

    I'm a socialist. I believe in free accessible healthcare. I believe in equality among race and gender. I believe in social security. I believe that people must seek education and be responsible for their own destiny. I believe that religion is a creation designed to oppress. I believe that the state should take a greater regulatory role in private enterprise. I believe that people must leave the world better than they entered it.
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited December 2010
    Paris Hilton?

    She's a heiress.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    Dysgraphia wrote: »
    Paris Hilton?

    She's a heiress.

    I know what an heiress is I'm saying I don't believe massive inheritance should be allowed. Most of that money should go into Social programs. The fact that her dad succeeded so now she can live as a spoiled bitch her whole life is wrong.

    What does socialism mean to you?
    What exactly parts of Marxism do you subscribe to ?

    I'm a socialist. I believe in free accessible healthcare. I believe in equality among race and gender. I believe in social security. I believe that people must seek education and be responsible for their own destiny. I believe that religion is a creation designed to oppress. I believe that the state should take a greater regulatory role in private enterprise. I believe that people must leave the world better than they entered it.

    Universal healthcare. I am a nationalist so I want an all white country. I believe that the means of production should be controlled by the workers and that all farms should be collectivized. I believe religion is oppressive so the state should be officially secular but tolerate limited religion. I believe in free education. I believe there should be a single vanguard party in the beginning.
    I believe in the right to bear arms. I believe there should not be a wealthy class and I believe the good of the collective should surpass the desires of the individual.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm smarter than you are you nigger loving faggot:facepalm: Ideas can and do evolve.

    I have a 150 IQ
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    I have a 150 IQ

    You said 200 last time. Has it gone down or what?
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited December 2010
    I know what an heiress is I'm saying I don't believe massive inheritance should be allowed. Most of that money should go into Social programs. The fact that her dad succeeded so now she can live as a spoiled bitch her whole life is wrong.

    It's his hard-earned money and he decided to give it away to his kin.

    I don't see anything wrong with that. Does Marxism also control personal property?
  • edited December 2010
    You said 200 last time. Has it gone down or what?

  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    Dysgraphia wrote: »
    It's his hard-earned money and he decided to give it away to his kin.

    I don't see anything wrong with that. Does Marxism also control personal property?

    Yes it does. The aim is to eliminate class and put the collective good over personal greed.
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited December 2010
    Yes it does. The aim is to eliminate class and put the collective good over personal greed.
    Stealing someone's money that they've earned with sweat and tears and giving it to some bottom feeder seems right to you?
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    Dysgraphia wrote: »
    Stealing someone's money that they've earned with sweat and tears and giving it to some bottom feeder seems right to you?

    No. Thats what we do in America and thats the issue. Everyone would be required to work. Give according to your ability and receive according to your need is the basic concept. In the USSR for example there were no bottom feeders everyone had to do there part. Then the hope is after long enough through changing the greed in human nature the government will become less and less necessary until true Marxism is achieved.
  • edited December 2010
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited December 2010
    ^Once again your retarded and resort to pictures instead of fact.:facepalm:
  • edited December 2010
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited December 2010
    lol hes a retort :o:o:o:o:o

  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited December 2010
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited December 2010
    No. Thats what we do in America and thats the issue. Everyone would be required to work. Give according to your ability and receive according to your need is the basic concept. In the USSR for example there were no bottom feeders everyone had to do there part. Then the hope is after long enough through changing the greed in human nature the government will become less and less necessary until true Marxism is achieved.
    Sorry man.

    Salary =/= Taxes.

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