Fuck that, facebook is mindnumbingly unsafe. I don't have an account and never will. Even using a fake name doesn't protect you because all of your friends will refer to you by your real name and stuff... It, in my opinion, is not worth it considering all I get up to on the net.
My pc is screwy and not rendering cyrillic, so could you post an image of the characters whereafter I should be able to translate it for you... unless someone beats me to it. I assume it is russian by DFGs comment Edit: I realise that this is a girl and therefore will probably use slang, in which case I may not be much…
No, no, I don't mean "it doesn't matter" in the sense that the world can continue to trundle along regardless, I mean it doesn't matter arguing over its validity because people still "know", despite the many sources presented in this thread, that it did happen. My sentence was just badly worded and constructed.
I don't think it really matters if it happened of not, reason being that general consensus says it did and since general consensus dictates group actions everyones actions will be driven with this in mind. Human memory dictates, to a large extent, our current reality; ergo if people remember it then it did happen,…
True as that may be you cannot tout this as a cure because not all viri are expressed as warts at one time and you will show symptoms at a later stage. By this manner you are still risking others.
This is a lie you cannot cure genital warts it is a virus not a bacteria. The most you can do is remove the wart but the virus will remain, however the virus itself seems to clear up after a year or two. There exists vaccines for hpv 6, 11, 16 and 18 the most common types of hpv. Don't get the retarded idea that you can…
Breath it in people, that is the smell of ethiopia. This fast has made DFG crazy, I hope this teaches you all a little about middle eastern culture and mentality: For the next few months DFG's penise is going to be telling him to kill hookers and jellyfish and rape camels -which isn't that bad considering some people will…
Try having lived in south africa in the past thirty years. Multicultural is a bit of an undersatement when you can understand what everyone is saying no matter their cultural linguistic background. That is a bit of an exaggeration as I can only really understand six of the local languages, and only form decent sentences in…
Nice work DFG, though I think you could have acted a little sooner. Who is the mod for BI, by the way? Something like this should not have even occured. When it comes to BI and morals I avoid situations with which I take issue, which does happen if however rarely. I suggest every one else do the same, as this thread…
I don't have enough fingers to count 'em. You know how it goes? Start off looking for normal stuff, you know same sex porn, normal shit, then all of a sudden you find yourself scoping bestiality, which leads to furries. Furries open up a world of fetishes... Its quite interesting. Go to yiffstar, or sofurry as its now…
Since we are being faceicious http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/dysentery.htm Look through that it should mention something. I also realise that I shouldn't've been lazy and typed charcoal instead of coal. Oh well. FON its probably a misdiagnosis or a new chronic issue or simply just taking its time. Pills aren't a be all…
Well, HTS, my main issue was that abusername said that he gets worked up every time he encounters a news story like this, and as such the last bit was mainly to address that issue. But I do understand what you're saying. Coal actually assists quite a bit with most gastric infections, hell doctors even prescribe the stuff.…
You realise that this article only discusses the dexterity of the bacteria, not its lethality? Seeing as its currently only present in bacteria that normally cause stomach and gastric problems I see no reason for you to worry. You have a natural immune system for a reason, and the addition of one allel to a bacteria which…
The bath water is most likely too hot for any sperm to survive. I imagine that the acrosome would deaminate in those conditions. The odds of a sperm being left behind after you drain the bath, then some how finding her ova after enduring the extreme temperatures is impossibly slim. And, in response to the mentioning of…
So if life is a vacuum, would it be... how should I say? Strange if say one accidentally had ones naughty bits sucked into it... repeatedly... while one was cleaning ones room?
TJ remember that he is trying to get the account banned, so its kinda obvious that he would post things that the community dislikes. So you are, for all intents, getting worked up over nothing and to that end you are helping him, something I'm sure you dislike seeing your abundant lack of pleasure towards his appearance…
Play, go to the lab and play its the simplist way to learn. Its how I learned electrolisis et al; quite a bit about radiation and general chemical reactions and laws. There was a time where I didn't have to do any balancing equations for predictions -I had to do them, I just mean I had no difficulty- because I had done…