Most people get to a stage in there life (22-25) where they just slowly give up, it become uninteresting. However some people keep smoking past that point and become chronic users. No offence intended here but their pretty boring people, their whole life revolves around weed. Look at it in a good way, your turning to a new…
TLDR There is no proof that non ionising radiation at the low levels from a cell phone can cause damage. All the studies I have read say nothing more than a possible link between phone use and tissue damage. You can draw a possible link between anything, here is a demonstration. The decline of pirate numbers worldwide is…
Rape/Murder Or just be like a normal man, go out with them for a month or two and then tell them you are going to marry them, fuck em and start all over again.
OK now do it in running writing? @Dakt, it's no more stupid than the imperial system (Inch, foot, pound, gallon, etc) just different to what we have now. The current system has evolved over many years to make it simpler. In most words your brain does not piece together all the letters, it knows the shape of the words and…
If your getting chest pains you should go to a doctor, full stop. Only ever smoke a clean bong, dirty ones are full of god knows what. A good scrub with some metho and a bottle brush does wonders.
Don't get me wrong, I love linux and the power it can give in the right situations. I use it on servers, clonezilla is great, DHCPD is so reliable. I love the way that when you install an app using apt you only download the bits you need. BUT as a desktop you can do more, do faster, do easier on windows. Once every 4 years…
Yeah I get the same thing, either tight chest/insane heart rate or tired. Haven't had a proper smoke in probably 3 years, tried it a few months ago and just got tired.
First up, web pages for anything important are not hosted on a single server. Maybe in the past, but in this day and age we have redundancy. First problem: Access to the data centre, they are very locked down. Second problem: Automatic failover. Your in the data centre somehow with your sledge hammer. What do you hit? It's…
I don;t know if your trolling, but opening a wound up isn't a very good idea, just leave the scab and let your body do the rest. That said cracking it a bit and draining the pus away isn't a bad idea, but ripping the scab off is just asking for more dirt/germs to get in.
Sounds like kegels for men, no point holding it back really it just ruins the orgasm. Women should be able to get them self off in the 15-20mins most men can last, if not then they probably have some emotional issues or just weren't up for sex.
I know paying for things isn't in most peoples interests, but paid usenet servers are fucking awesome for speed. Some ISP's even offer access for free. Check out astraweb, I highly recommend them.
I am sorry but how does someone surviving the flu count as a burden on society? What's to say that person wont lead a wonderful life? Should their family have to suffer the death of a loved one just because they got the flu? Someone surviving the flu does not necessarily have better genetics than someone that doesn't,…
Don't feel like a fuck up. Evolution through biological means is to slow, technological advances are the new evolution. Why should someone die/live in pain when their life can be prolonged? Your surviving could mean that a child who has nothing is given a chance at a good life, your potential children could cure cancer!
I would probably leave it alone, much more chance of it getting infected if you keep opening the wound. Or open the wound up and spray RAID on it, it kills bugs man.
They say they have buried him at sea, I just don't fucking buy that for a second. What's the bet Obama got high, did a fake video for a joke and then accidentally released it?
Yeah I drive a lot, normally cover off 600-1000kms/week (375-625miles) and most of it is on freeways/highways (2+ lanes per side/1 lane each side). It's always good to keep at least some Oil+Water with you, for everything else an RACV membership is priceless (roadside assistance). In Australia it's illegal not to have a…
This. I can generally knock up food with what is on hand, I can make almost anything from scratch (except fucking Meringue) but a lot of the time I don't bother. The difference between a hand made cake and a good packet mix is about 5% in taste, a fair bit of extra effort for fuck all in taste.
Welcome to 2008. You can't just pick a guy that has been dead for 3 years, open a topic and say "Discuss". You need to bring something to the thread, an opinion, a statement, a news article.