Although mayberry is a dickhead, he is right when he says hes being generous by calling it "music"..... Its more of annoying noises and a shitty excuse for a paycheck.
Gary is about 2 hours from where i live and yes it is a shity city. But where i live is alot better the that. Lower crime AND better looking streets. Alotta abandond buildings on the south side of the city but most of them are either being torn down or reused for something else after much needed repairs. I guess i couls…
Im in indiana. It is pretty hard here to get hand guns (legally anyway) so it sometimes seems to be not worth the wait which i think is done for that reason.... Anyway, my neighbors are only beside the house. The yard stretches out kind of far from my house alone. Indiana is one of those states you grow up in being told…
Theres no one behind my house. We have neighbors on both sides though. The back yard is pretty big. It takes 2 days to cut the grass without over heating the mower so its not that. And we have a 45 day waiting period after we fill out the permit and license paperwork, then when you are actually able to purchase one you…
"Im a drug dealer. I kill people. I have millions of dollars and nothing usefull to spend it on. So il put big ass rims on my car, get alot of useless jewelery that will make other broke black people mad so they can rob me, so i can then call the police and cry to them eventhough i just said fuck them on another song....."…
If they were born here or atleast waited for there visa and or green card (if its the same thing, i didnt know because ive never needed one) then i dont have a problem with them being here. But if they wonna work here they need to learn english! That should be as important for them to know just as important as it is for us…
I dont hate them as people but i do hate the idea of them sneaking in her AND US BEING FORCED TO LEARN THERE LANGUAGE! if i was going to go to russia or germany i wouldnt expect them to learn english! Id be in THERE COUNTRY so i would have to learn THERE LANGUAGE! I agree with you.
Il say what i want when i want and how i want. Which is the only reason those shitty rappers get to as well. And, since you've heard it a million other times that means im not the only one who thinks they suck! So, go fuck yourself because i dont have to be creative to please you, just like they dont have to please me but…
Yeah i hate the cheap little bbgun scope too. Ive only used that scope 2 times and dont even wonna bother zeroing it. But yes i love how the ammo is so cheap! I can get 50shot box for under $3 at walmart. (i usually get 200 at a time though)!
Thats funny cause no one ever asked for them. If somebody wants to see tits that badly the can just search for pics of tits! I mean there already online to be here....
Aww shit! I accidently clicked the donky! Haha! But yeah im neither! Id trust a murderer before either one of those! Atleast the murderer is honest about what he does.....
I agree. But i dont think healt food should be forced. Plus, usually when you force things on people it pushes them further away from the direction you want them to go. I think there should be options PLUS A FAIR HONEST DETAILED PLACE TO FIND REAL INFO FOR FREE!!! That way more people are open to learn more and more…
Ok that marketing part i agree with you completely! They should definitly stop the shitty commercials with skiny fit people and show there real consumers! That, in my opinion would open peoples eyes like nothing else can! And what do you consider petty crimes? Strangelation? Possion of handguns (multiple times)!? Burgulary…
Dont worry about the spelling. Im not trying to be perfect, thats not important to me. But what is important is that if they can get them easily (which i seriously dout) then why should it be illegal for me to get one?! That really is backwards! In any case, who would you rather get one easily? Someone who would use it…
I have seen super size me and that does not change my opinion what so ever. So you're saying a repeat offender (and i mean someone arested many many times more then a regular criminal) is a victum because they say they are adicted to it, so we have to give them what they want and let them stay out of jail??? No! Mcdonalds…
Obviously a crack head wouldnt be able to get one legally! Its hard enough for a regular person to get a gun of anykind so what the hell makes you think it would be easy for a "crack head" to get one??? Besides stealing one??? And not to mention whats on there mind is the drugs so they most likely would try to sell it for…
agreed!!! Ive never had to go to the doctor except for regular check ups and why?! Because i already eat healthy and exercise regularly! And i dont push my lifestyle on the fat people i see in the mcdonalds drive threw as i ride by on my bicycle. Its our choices, and i love the fact that we have them, which is why the food…
Im with you 100% on everything you said. I can believe they will limit alot more then they are now and even now things are pretty limited where i live. I cant even shoot my .22 in my own back yard! My own fucking property!
Ps, if i was gonna just make excuses then i wouldve never sent any other pics to dfg except for the one i was originally talking to. Duh! Its really not as deep as you are trying to make it.
Theblonde with the baby? Yes i know!!! I like her tits though. Thats about it.... But the one from my OP i was talking about is the one with the pink died hair.
Dfg has already seen pics of the one i was talking about in my OP plus pics of some of my other cousins. so, you can go ahead and fuck yourself because it does not matter what you think.