What make you realize that you are truly happy?
1. When I look over at my boyfriend playing guitar and singing to me, that brings me happiness.
2. Knowing those who love me will always be there.
3. The smell of a clean house while cooking and looking out the kitchen window.
What I want to know is what brings you guys happiness?
but to answer your questions waffles make me happy... that's about it.
Run far, run fast, tell your BF this is not for you.
"does anyone smell Negrophobe?"
Women are always "right" though :facepalm:
I'm happy when my work is done, I have some cash in my back-burner and a hot blonde on my arm.
Until they die in a horrific traffic accident or get tired of your maudlin ass.
As well as hiking/backpacking.
shes on her way.
Hearing about bad things happen to other people.
Other then that, brewing beer. I love beer, love to brew beer, and absolutely love to drink my own beer out of my own keg.
I would also say sex, but I get that so often that it's like...well...drinking a beer.
Hate to say it but it's been a while since I've :fap:
I've tried some awesome home brews, from beer to whiskey. Unfortunately I've had more bad than good.
I've thought about. There is so much information readily available though. Keith brown does a pretty good job explaining how to all grain brew on youtube. Also, "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing" is a great book for beginners and more advanced brewers.
I'll keep it in mind though. Everyone has there own style, and I do it the most simple way for me. I like to encourage anyone who wants to try it themselves. Home-brews are without a doubt the best tasting and freshest beer you can possibly drink.
I've noticed the taste of a batch where they've used spring water compared to tap. Same person brewing, same recipe, different taste. Its amazing how the simple things can change the flavor. Start a thread in OI....I'm sure there are others here interested in brewing.
Going to an amusement park.
Taking a long walk to Bestbuy with a friend on a hot day and gulping down an entire Gatorade.
Holding a massive shit in just for lulz, and then dumping it.
Bacon egg and cheese with orange juice.
Talking to strangers in the train and subtly holding staring contests.