How to get free Premium accounts for Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfile, Fileserve, Filesonic, Oron, etc...
1. Get jDownloader. jDownloader is a download manager which,
...allows the automatic download of files and split files from one-click hosting sites such as Rapidshare and Megaupload. JDownloader supports the use of premium accounts.[1] Certain parts of JDownloader are open source.
Here's a screenshot of it:

Download: [OS X, Windows, Linux]
After you complete installation, close jDownloader and proceed to the next step.
2. Now you're going to need to download scripts. Scripts carry usernames and passwords for filehosters. They're encrypted so if you open them with a text editor, you'll get something like:
You can download scripts from warez boards or warez blogs.
Here's my favorite, reliable source:
3. After you acquire a script, which is usually named "database.script," you're going to need to copy it to the jDownloader directory.
**First close jDownloader, then copy the script to the directory. OS X:
Applications/jDownloader/[U]Show Package Contents[/U]/Contents/Resources/Java/config
C:\Program Files (x86)\JDownloader\config
If you have already used a script or registered a premium account, replace the database.script with the one in the config folder.
4. Boot up jDownloader.
Click on the Settings tab, Host --> Premium
It should list all of the Premium accounts. Example:

The trick is that most members will download shitton of stuff reducing the traffic alloted to the account.
A script will usually last you about a day before running out of traffic. However, they are updated on several forums daily.
Free premium account for fileserve.
Free premium account for hotfile.
Free premium account for megaupload.
Free premium account for rapidshare.
Free premium account for filesonic.
So basically, the best idea might be to have a good idea of what you want and where to find it, then wait for a script to pop up on a warez site that is useful, then bang off your download as quick as possible. Sounds like fun, but what to these sites have to offer that can't be found on P2P? Is it mostly for sharing large files between "friends"?
"there is something I am not getting here"
I have a 60mb download connection and download full speed from all filehosters at ~6.5-6.7mb/s.
I got it. Cheers for the guide. :thumbsup: Brb downloading 50 gb of porn.