BHD, The Real BHD or confessions of a White sheep

BigHarryDickBigHarryDick Cock Bite
edited May 2011 in Spurious Generalities
my methods are unortodox to say the least. I will do things that are not popular to bring attention to things that are hurting things I give as hit about. Like I give a like about with a black dick they do highlight problems and create an enviroanment where these problems are dealt with rather than being swept under the rug.

If it makes others hate me I am fine with that. I cna sleep at night knowing that in the long run some of my less improves totse for others in the future.
than admirable actions have caused many positive changes on Totse.

If you all want to doubt my good intentions becsue of my approach I ma fine with that too. IRL stick my neck out to illustrate a problem and get my dick kicked methods that paint me black and takes the few would have the fortitude to endure the fallout which results. I have allowed myself t be painted with a black brush on more ocasions than I can recall or relate ITT.

I know there are always going to be a certain aount of people who hate on me and I am fine with that for willing or strong enough to suffer unpopularity if they know that the majority will ultimately benefit from it in the long run. So the next time one of you thnks about starting a T one simple reason. If I have tofor it then so be it so long as in the long run the greater good is served even if it means I have to take heat or even be the sacrificial lamb who existence becomes threatened.

Very few people are tDR hate thread know that I am honored to be the target of your Totse benefits in the long run. even if it means sacrificing my mod position.

So think what you will of me but I am willing to take the slings and arrows of temporary discontent if it makes this place a little better and helps tweak the rules and guidelines in a fashion rotten vegetables if it mean than improves totse for others in the future.

Take me as is your pleasure but I am not going to be deterred from the courage of my convictions nor distracted from my unorthodox

I know there are always going to be haters and with the shit that I am facing IRL those who express hate towards me online are really only causing themselves stress over something that is mostly an act designed to call attention to problems that are otherwise swept under the rug until such time as one unselfish soul steps up about things that need fixed. While my methods may piss of others and paint me and takes the heat.

this site. So I take actions that make me seem like an asshole to others. I do this to make points at my word or dismiss this thread



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