Crack a beer and get contributing! I skipped my after-Prom party (Prom was there to perv on our PE teachers) and the morning after, at 5am, I got up and grabbed my bike/balaclava/bag (full of BBs, BB gun, firecrackers, smoke bombs, 2 lighters in case 1 broke or I dropped it etc) and cycled to the field where everyone was sleeping in tents.
After rigging up a few firecrackers on timed fuses and pipes leading into tents with smoke bombs in, that gave me enough time to run up a tree and start shooting at the tents when shit kicked off.
I was 15 at the time :hai:
I never went to the ball/prom.
I was dirt poor and couldn't afford the 50 bucks for the ticket, let alone all the bullshit that came with it like shoes, a tux, limo, drinks, after party. But even if I could have it wasn't my sort of thing.
Me and a few mates took a road trip instead, much more fun.
One chick in my media class was dropping hints that she wanted to go with me, she just couldnt accept that somebody might not want to go.
Totse doesn't seem like part of the prom crowd. Totse is more like the van full of stoners in the parking lot of some concert. Or maybe the child molesting janitor at the middle school.
I didn't feel justified paying for our formal. Plus I would have hated it anyway. I rocked up to the after party though at like 2am, half asleep, and decided I had a lot of catching up to do so drank far too much whiskey far too quickly. I spent most of the night/morning vomiting and chilling, staring up at the stars in the middle of a paddock. I got woken up by fucking airhorns at like 6 in the morning, horribly hungover and facing a long ass walk to school wearing a chewbacca suit that I hired for the day (the last day of school.) Turned out to be a fucking 35 degree day which wasn't the most fun for me.
While listening to the speeches n jazz I had a sudden urge to empty my bowels. When I got to the toilet I realised I was too fucked to get my wookie suit off to take a dump so ended up projectile vomiting all over the toilet stalls.
When we were dismissed, I realised I had vomit caked all up my legs and decided to wash that shit off before I got on the bus. I probably spent a ridiculous amount of time standing in a basin, using the drinking fountains to try to wash some fould smelling vomit off my legs while our principle, coordinators, and vice principal watched me, waiting for me to leave. I don't think they trusted me in the school for some reason..
I think the worst part was the fact I was wanting to get with some awesome chick the night I got destroyed. She was actually loosening up and there were tents all set up in the paddock. Havn't seen her since. Fucking Jack Daniels you bastard.
Crack a beer and get contributing! I skipped my after-Prom party (Prom was there to perv on our PE teachers) and the morning after, at 5am, I got up and grabbed my bike/balaclava/bag (full of BBs, BB gun, firecrackers, smoke bombs, 2 lighters in case 1 broke or I dropped it etc) and cycled to the field where everyone was sleeping in tents.
After rigging up a few firecrackers on timed fuses and pipes leading into tents with smoke bombs in, that gave me enough time to run up a tree and start shooting at the tents when shit kicked off.
I was 15 at the time :hai:
I'm thinking about going. It's at 7. All I gotta do is rent a suit. It's the after part where it's at nigaaaaaaaaaaa
It was on some Army land near my old house, but I was bricking it. Silly young me, but hey. They were the years
I was dirt poor and couldn't afford the 50 bucks for the ticket, let alone all the bullshit that came with it like shoes, a tux, limo, drinks, after party. But even if I could have it wasn't my sort of thing.
Me and a few mates took a road trip instead, much more fun.
One chick in my media class was dropping hints that she wanted to go with me, she just couldnt accept that somebody might not want to go.
Spend $100 on a limo, $200 on a suit, ehh. Fuck that
While listening to the speeches n jazz I had a sudden urge to empty my bowels. When I got to the toilet I realised I was too fucked to get my wookie suit off to take a dump so ended up projectile vomiting all over the toilet stalls.
When we were dismissed, I realised I had vomit caked all up my legs and decided to wash that shit off before I got on the bus. I probably spent a ridiculous amount of time standing in a basin, using the drinking fountains to try to wash some fould smelling vomit off my legs while our principle, coordinators, and vice principal watched me, waiting for me to leave. I don't think they trusted me in the school for some reason..
I think the worst part was the fact I was wanting to get with some awesome chick the night I got destroyed. She was actually loosening up and there were tents all set up in the paddock. Havn't seen her since. Fucking Jack Daniels you bastard.
Good times..