I've noticed that people who live in the North of a country/state or any piece of land are generally much more attractive than ones who live in the South. Is it because major cities are usually northern of state?
One example would be New York State (mainland). When I traveled upstate to Oswego and Lewis, the people there were attractive. Plain skin complexion, tall, and overall good looking. However, heading South to NYC, I made a stop at Columbia and the people there were short, had odd elongated facial features, droopy noise, slanted eyes, very thin lips and horribly long earlobes. I traveled around the city for a while and noticed that people there were just...butt ugly.
Another example would be in the shithole of Bolivia. The capital 'La Paz' and major city 'Santa Cruz' were flooded with tall Bolivians, around 5'10 (that's huge for a spic), with pale skin complexion. The women were very well proportioned, slender and looked great. However when the tour bus went down to cities like 'Potosi' located South, all we were able to see were ingenious residents, max at 5'4.
Similar to social castes, it seems that the trash usually just falls to the bottom leaving the most fit and attractive at the top. Have any of you guys noticed something similar near your area?
i wish we had hot chics in Sa.
fucking fat mexican women
Edit: found one
Although not entirely true, this is the opposite for the UK. Ever been oop Nurth in the UK?
All I'm saying is that at my Uncle's wedding in Brumland, everyone was the victim of a heatwave.
Either that or some shitty fake tan salon. Plus a half-ton of makeup and just general nastiness.
That said I've met some real London Munters.
Fucking lazy bitches. "oh it takes forever to get ready"
Fuck you! look like you care and show tits.
I allways think we have an east/west devide also.
But I suppose it depends what sort of people you know and where you go, for what talent you see.
This. I'm in London right now (south England), and it does harbour a lot of attractive people compared to other parts of the country.