Hey, new poster but big fan of the site. So I took about 250mgish of DXM about an hour and a half ago. I thought it kicked in sooner, wasn't feeling anything, basically noobed it up. Right now I'm starting to feel...interesting and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out with some kind of timeline with what to expect because clearly my research was OFF.
If there's a quick resposnse i may be coherent enough to read it, but I'm sure I'd appreciate any useful info.
thanks friends!
Dosage calculator
If you haven't, read the DXM FAQ
Hit it right on the nose. I was actually pretty disappointed, I was pretty much peaking when I wrote the post. I had fun, made an ass of myself to an ex but that doesn't rank very high on the list of things i care about.
I would've enjoyed it a lot more if I'd had some weed handy unfortunately can't get my hands on any for another few days (thus the robotripping). If someone has some other suggestions to pass the time that'd be awesome.
btw I don't think typical OTC antiemetics would do much. Phenergan, on the other hand, would probably make things absolutely amazing.
But like I said, while it was fun to try, I'd rather be getting high or taking opiates. It was interesting, a little enjoyable, but not all that great by any means.
edit: btw trx if you have any suggestions with OTC or experimental stuff I'm desperately trying to kill a few days.
I agree, I'd rather be doing something else. It's not bad, though, it's just not something I'm interested in very often and is easily trumped by other drugs. It's kind of like salvia in that regard.
Your new best friend, open the bottle and drink it all (.5oz) roughly 390mgs of dxm in liquid form. Have a chaser, chocolate milk works best. Zicam's the next best thing to pure DXM. Personally I drink two, but I've drank 3 once or twice.
I've taken a gram and a half on several occasions
Would this be a good dose for someone who's never taken DXM before?
yes. start with one and work your way up the plateaus. you want to get your feet wet with this stuff. you might like or hate it.
The only thing is....you can't find this shit anywhere.
Seriously. I've been to almost every store around my area and can't find it. The only time I've seen it was in a wal-mart that was in a backwoods ass town like 2hrs from here.
Yeah man, it all depends, but you'll definitely get your feet wet with a does like that as above poster said. You might want to go ahead and do it with a friend, and drink about 300mg worth, and give him/her the rest...just to test it out. I know I threw up my first time...I did two, but still, it can be pretty harsh.
I used to be able to find it at every walmart cvs walgreens and meijers, until me and my friend stole around 500-600 bottles over a 2 month period. It's in stock at K-mart, but I want it to stay like that
My first real DXM trip was 2 bottles, tripped my balls off.
"Vicks Vaposyrup for Dry Coughs" and "Robotussin Full Strength for Dry Coughs" are both available OTC in the UK. And neither contain acetominophen, which is good :thumbsup:
anyway I find capping it is the best way to take it but out of curiosity what are all the ways it can be taken? is there any possible freebase of DXM?
EDIT: I've never acutally taken DXM in any other form than pure powder forms (99.8/9 at best) so what is it like to take in all its other wonderful forms?
Are we talkin powder or liquid? I exclusively "chugged it out of the bottle" Day after day.. month after month..
DXM is the only drug to give me long lasting side effects. 3 year lasting ones, they haven't gone away. That and cigarettes of course, but I haven't quit those.
lol you don't have a girlfriend, faggot.
lol made my day