Whatever happened to the chemistry community on here, anyone know?
I think people lost interest or weren't interested to start with. We need to find people who are interested in those sort of topics that will contribute information.
Well, in all honesty we aren't going to do much 'finding'...especially when there isn't anything for new users to contribute to.The only way forward is for those already here to contribute as much as is possible.
Well, in all honesty we aren't going to do much 'finding'...especially when there isn't anything for new users to contribute to.The only way forward is for those already here to contribute as much as is possible.
Piehaps some useful chemistry guides might help.
Very true. Any lurker looking for a chemistry discussion will quickly look elsewhere when they see how dead our science forum is. I love chemistry, but I have no where near enough knowledge to be of much use.
Yeah, welcome to Totse plebert - you already seem pretty cool and I look forward to you sticking around. Enjoy yourself and contribute well, maybe we'll get a few extra people around here like you speak of
Well, anyone have any plans/idea's/pointless conjectures on possible ways forward for Mad Scientists?
I'm thinking thorough guides on the basic tenets of organic synthesis, with an active 'ask as many questions as you want' policy which should attract the 'I'm interested but don't know enough to contribute' crowd.
Chemical sex, stories related to using drugs etc for fitness. It can work, trust me.
The most sexually explicit explanation of Valence shell hybridisation ever( 3 planes of pure sexual thrill)
The rest of what you described sounds awful like better living through chemistry. I don't mean that to sound condescending, but there's plenty enough 'teach me to use household chemicals to get high' threads here already.There's more to chemistry than just 'will it get me high', not much more, but enough to warrant at least some serious discussion.
I'd love to learn more about psychoactive substances but I have no idea where to start. Anything you post would be good to read, especially regarding how certain substances actually work and how they produce alternate states of reality.
I think people lost interest or weren't interested to start with. We need to find people who are interested in those sort of topics that will contribute information.
Piehaps some useful chemistry guides might help.
Very true. Any lurker looking for a chemistry discussion will quickly look elsewhere when they see how dead our science forum is. I love chemistry, but I have no where near enough knowledge to be of much use.
Same here, but it would be good to see that part of the forum being very active, so maybe we just need to get it started up again?
And I'm glad to hear that you are going to stick around, Plebert, 'cause you seem like a good poster.
I'm thinking thorough guides on the basic tenets of organic synthesis, with an active 'ask as many questions as you want' policy which should attract the 'I'm interested but don't know enough to contribute' crowd.
Chemistry lurkers unite!
Chemical sex, stories related to using drugs etc for fitness. It can work, trust me.
The most sexually explicit explanation of Valence shell hybridisation ever( 3 planes of pure sexual thrill)
The rest of what you described sounds awful like better living through chemistry. I don't mean that to sound condescending, but there's plenty enough 'teach me to use household chemicals to get high' threads here already.There's more to chemistry than just 'will it get me high', not much more, but enough to warrant at least some serious discussion.