Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum.Any mod who wants to move it, feel free.
Alright, down to business.
For the last three months I've been traveling around Canada, more or less on a shoestring budget and was managing rather well until last week.I met a friend In Toronto and we jumped the Via-Rail to Vancouver. Beautiful, right?.One problem, the friend I met up with has now run out of money, and I don't mean spending money I mean money, money.Our accommodation runs out on the 6th of August and I don't really have the funding to pay for any more, unless I dip into my 'return flight fallback' account. Not super enthused on that option.
Now, once I realised what was happening I of course started hunting a job like Donald Trump on heat.Unfortunately, the only place that has given me reliable work so far was a temp agency, and that job was throwing 30 pound bags of rice, 6 hours a day for $8 an hour.Hardly worth the time, effort or bus-fare.:facepalm:
I have enough to cover my own flight and some of my friend's, we need about $900 to float the rest. This is an unfeasible amount to make by legal methods and I really don't have the connections or knowledge to make it by illegal means in Vancouver.
Sooooo, Now options are rapidly running out.
They are as follows;
1.Wait and pray that one of the 5 job interviews I've got amounts to something, this involves using my return flight money for accommodation/moving into a homeless shelter while we wait.Most places say they are hiring for September, this is not soon enough. Any money I spend in this time Is just money that needs to be made up again in the future.
2.Jump a freighter back to Toronto, or at worst down to Portland. I can work for stay in Toronto, which at least gives us some time to burn.
3.I fly back and beg, borrow or steal the money required for his flight and wire it over to him. Probably the best plan in practice, but my least favourite because it's going to be so hard to sell to him.
4.We become homeless, I surreptitiously get him addicted to cocaine, he falls into the vicious cycle of sucking cock for coke and I skip town immediately.Requires a bunch of rohypnol and money for coke I'm not willing to float (without doing both myself). In retrospect I will probably end up doing all the coke. For hygienic reasons I'm not too fond of the cock for coke economic model.
How can you folks help?
Well, I need your suggestions as to what the fuck I can do in this situation.Please refrain from saying anything like "Just bail on his ass", call it misplaced loyalty or ideological naivety but I'm not going to leave him stranded in Vancouver.
Asking for money from people back home is also a non-option, I got myself into this mess and I'll get myself back out.
Also, anyone who knows anything about the transient lifestyle, hopping trains from Vancouver, surviving on little to no money, making money with minimum capital/overheads, male prostitution and/or a place to get a lot of coke cheap in the Vancity area NOW WOULD BE THE TIME TO POST IT.
Flame and you can go fuck yourself.
Help and I'll do my best to repay the favour one day.
Thanks in advance, Plebert.
A brief summation.
Basically, prepared homelessness without the mental illness.
much appreciated
you could become one of the bc shopping carts homeless dudes. Or not.... Your choice
I'm not sure how long you would have to work each day, but there's free housing.
Look at the how to earn money without getting a real job thread. Maybe you can do some writing or surveys to get some cash. If you knuckle down, especially with your friend's help, at a library for a week or so you could come up with that.
Firstly, I have a bunch of money back home in the form of unreturned tax.
If we could hold out for a while, that should cover most of the return (~$800)
A) Jump a train back to Toronto and wait for tax return to filter through whilst simultaneously earning money from some other, yet unforeseen avenue.(My moneys still on cock for coke)
Totse needs a guide to freight hopping me thinks.
Post forth all knowledge on the subject, I will put it into practice and distill it into a guide.
Heres a link to the whole movie if you want it
I say hold out for a while by spanging, spanging, and more spanging until you can get that money. You can also try to find a recycling center and go around collecting cans and bottles to get a little bit of money for essentials like food and stuff. Sorry if this advice doesn't help, but it's all I got.
Whilst I know it is possible to find work like that, and given time we definitely could, It's just every dollar spent in search is another dollar to be earned.
Eh, Vancouver seems like a nice city to go homeless in, I'll just stay away from Hastings/Main.
There are hundreds of ways to earn money if you have the will.
Still, getting back to Toronto would be the most preferable option.
Pooping in public parks by day, thief extraordinaire by night.