This is really just an idea at the moment, but when I think of gays, the last thing that comes on my mind is a criminal. Maybe you could use this to your advantage. On the flipside, you have to take in consideration you're bringing in extra attention to yourself. and when it comes to crime, attention isn't a good thing. What do you guys think?
Says the idiot who is going to start a revolution with a website and can't even keep track of his guns.
Don't attract attention. Walk boringly, dress boringly and speak boringly. You want to blend in with those around you, so dress code depends on where you're at and who you're dealing with. Muted colors are probably a good idea.
It has nothing to do with this thread. Of course if you were not such a drug-ed out idiot I would not have to point that out to you.
This is so much better than pretending to be a faggot.