In its purest form, nicotine is one of the most deadly toxins known to man. A single drop is enough to kill an adult human if ingested. In order to make pure nicotine, it must first be completely clear how potentially deadly pure nicotine can be if consumed. In addition to this, anyone who wishes to make pure nicotine must also understand that it can be absorbed through the skin by simply touching it. Make sure to protect your skin from the pure nicotine by wearing latex gloves. As well as wearing gloves, safety glasses are recommended to protect your eyes.
The first step to make pure nicotine is to obtain the proper kind of tobacco from which to extract the nicotine. A full can chewing tobacco is recommended for this purpose. Once the appropriate tobacco has been obtained, it is put into a bowl. Next, pour water into the bowl until it just barely covers the tobacco. After doing this, the next step in making pure nicotine is to simply let the bowl sit untouched overnight.
the next step when making pure nicotine is to obtain a pot coffee filter and funnel. place coffee filter in funnel pore over the pot so the mixture is strained Care must be taken to ensure that none of the tobacco grounds end up in the pot, or you will have unpure nicotine. after as much as been run through the funnel and into the pot as possible, squeeze the remaining liquid in the coffee filter into the pot. The remaining tobacco and coffee can be thrown out.
Once all the liquid is inside the pot, you should boil the liquid. The purity of the nicotine depends on how much of the water evaporates. To make pure nicotine as concentrated and strong as possible, boil as much water away as you can. After the water is boiled away, you have succeeded in making pure nicotine. You now have nicotine in its deadliest form. the mixture will be extremely thick and will resemble butter . Before collecting the pure nicotine, make sure you're wearing latex gloves and safety glasses to avoid harmful contact. The pure nicotine can then be scraped out of the pot and stored in a sealed plastic container.Theoretically you can then put 4 or 5 drops into some ones drink or accidently pore some on some one. the person would get extremely light headed start drooling and black out never to wake up again. Kinda like the feeling you get after smoking a cig after a wile of not smoking
It would be hard to identify the cause of death in a heavy smoker
Sixty milligrams of nicotine (the amount in about 30-40 cigarettes [1]), has the potential to kill an adult who is not a smoker[2] if all of the nicotine were absorbed. This figure is ~120 mg in chronic cigarette smokers, smoking an average of 20 non-light cigarettes delivering ~1.7 mg of nicotine each daily. One cigarette's-worth of nicotine is enough to make a toddler severely ill. In some cases children have become poisoned by topical medicinal creams which contain nicotine.
Anyway, I think this was mentioned in the Taliban Terrorist handbook.
the other 50% was words i couldnt put another way
the guide i reviewed this from used paper towl i used coffee filters when i made it and the shit you make smell extremly bad
It's still in CMS Central, did you move it back?
How much nicotine is in a can of chewing tobacco? Keep in mind a tobacco user is going to have a higher tolerance to nicotine..The average cig probably has 1-2mg of nicotine. Would it be more cost effective to buy a huge 1lb bag of rolling tobacco, powder it up in a coffee grinder, and just soak that in solvent?
What is the volume of 100mg of nicotine tar? Could one apply it to say..the surface of a blowdart? Is there something one can keep handy to save themselves in the event of an accidental exposure? Maybe an Anti-cholinergenic?
We can still make improvements on this topic to make it worthy of publishing.
The way I see it is take someone's work and instead of passing it off as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally, is not the best way. What counts is what you can bring to the table to make it even better.
there is more nicotine in chew then there is in smoking tobacco
it only takes one or 2 drops