You may or may not know but throwing acid is a national sport in Pakistan. Each week throughout Pakistan there are numerous cases of Acid burning. Due to nature of this crime the victim always gets pwned in a very bad manner. The acid burns peel off your skin and if you're a child you will go into shock and might die. For an adult the pain is just out of the world. Not only will your skin get damaged for good, any sensitive region it gets contact with like eyes will be useless.
Procuring Acid is a simple task but it depends on the products. There are household products that can be used like Sweep which is a drain opener but they're not fast enough. For the victim to suffer and potentially die the Acid should burn on contact. You can get strong acids from your local shops or find them in local markets. In Pakistan you can find strong acids in junkyards. They use the acids to burn the chips in electronic equipment and you can easily procure a large amount of acid from them.
Be advised that Acid isn't something that you fuck with. Storing the acid in secure location is important.
But lets explore why the fuck would anyone want to use Acid? Well, Pakistani men have an ego problem and they're hardly compatible with western teachings. For them women is like there property, if she doesn't comply or follows his orders, it's job to teach her a lesson. In a recent case, a women was divorced by her husband and when she was living with her daughter which technically is the daughter of the divorced idiot. He entered her house and emptied an Acid bottle on her ex-wife and her daughter and then fled from the scene.
The girl of 6 months died and the mother survived but she was badly burned. The thing is, these men thing that by throwing acid they make the women a slave. You take away the aspect of beauty and she becomes nothing more than a lump of flesh. There was yet another case where a girl was showered with acid after she refused to marry someone, the men reasoning for taking this action, if she can't be mine, no one can have her.
You might be wondering that I am just kidding here. My friends I kid you not, this is as common as rolling blackouts. Let's move on to the fun part. Throwing acid is simple but if you want to secure a kill, aim for the vital spots, mostly eyes and mouth. If she ingests the Acid, she has a much less chance of surviving. Like when she opens the door, and she screams aim the throw at her mouth. She wouldn't get much time to react because it's liquid. Keep in mind to cover yourself and make a run for it.
The thing about acid throwing is, the victim will always scream like hell. Try throwing yourself in fire, I am sure you will scream your balls off, it's the same sensation. You're just cooking flesh. Normally people aim for upper body but a 1 ltr bottle is enough to target a large area and plus you don't need get caught.
Here is another thing, if you're using this method, you will get caught. I am sorry, unlike other schemes you just can't get away with this. The reason is simple, usually this type of attacks have motives and they're mostly connected to love relationships. However, it's a good idea for framing someone. Like throwing acid on some lovers, love and then framing him for it.
Like, I know some cunt who has been a pain in my ass or who is blocking my path of success. I can just throw acid on his wife and make sure she dies. Throw the bottles in his house (make sure to time things, like make sure he doesn't have an alibi). When the police will start investigating, his victim will be there number 1 target. It's a lot risky but it's just another use for Acid.
Once the acid deal is done. Either kill yourself or just give up or just run away. But if you want to make sure your love really remembers you, just burn her enough that she survives. She will bitch about your till her last breath and if you're a bit modest then hope that she dies without revealing too much.
Unfortunately, this guide isn't fictional. You can actually get Acid and throw at someone in Pakistan. I am not sure if it can be done in US/UK but you just need the Acid which can be done if you're looking at the right places.
It certainly works, but I have not the reason nor the sociopathic tendencies required to do it.
And last but not least...
Though I must say, most nigger womens' faces can only improve by having acid thrown at them.
The more you know.
But in all seriousness, imagine the burning, searing pain. Fuck that. The savage depths some Humans can stoop to is quite stunning when in a certain mindset, combined with some twisted justification.
As for protecting against it, it depends what acid it is. Wearing face protection, possibly a reinforced Burkha, may help? seriously. Line the inside with lead or something.