I Had This Idea But...

DfgDfg Admin
edited August 2011 in Life
So, I woke up around 1600hrs and I was forced awake by my FUCKING family. I slept around 11:36 AM and I was awake the whole night working on things here and there. Now, here I am trying to get up and get the damn things and while I am trying to take a shit in my shithole, I got an idea. I mean I think it was poetry and I was going to make a thread about it. I powered my system on and waited for it to boot up and BANG, the power goes out. I went out, did my thing and came back.

Now, I can't remember what the hell I thought about. Anyway, I am going to give it a shot but it will end up in a failure anyway.

I can reach the sky,
I can reach the universe,
When I am in my zone,
I can reach for anything,

Nothing is impossible,
and nothing is unimaginable,
I can flex my fingers and worlds end,
I can close my eyes and worlds recreate,
when I am in my zone,
I am the GOD,

I am GOD, Because
I am just high.

It was a bit better but you get the general idea. I suck at this :(
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