I found a folder I made in a blackout.

angryonionangryonion Just some guy
edited September 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Holy fuck batman I found this file today that i made a while back that I don't remember making.
It was titled "My Drunken Rant"God i need help.
"You have to be a fucking moron to bring another life into this fucked up world.
Yes that bubbling baby of joy is a wonder and a blessing, but you know what someday that kid is going to grow up and relieze that this world is nothing but a trap.
A trap, it is nothing but a slaves existance, work work work,save some money then get fucked in the ass when the market shits the bed.
Did I ask to be here NO! why would I purposely create another to experince this shit?
This is why I dont have kids and you are a dickhead for having them unless you are Bill Gates.
The world is run by assholes who only want to exployt and take advantage of thoose who dont see the world for what it is.
Its not capitalizem not comunizim its not solsalizim, its people who are trying to impose there belifes on those who dont have a clue what to believe.
They dont know what to believe becuase nothing is true and everything is permitted.
Rules -rules are for suckers and stupid people .
I'm smart the rules dont apply to me.Thats what you tell your self right?
Fuck you, you are a dipshit.
The rules do apply its just a lag thing."
I left the misspelling:facepalm: as it was.
On a side note I wrote this Before the stock market took a shit.
Also I might need rehab:sad:


  • edited August 2011
    Cool story hansel.
  • blindbatblindbat Regular
    edited September 2011
    i know how you feel dude. fucking parents are retards especially my dad fucking asshole, had too many fucking kids more than they can afford to have . dumbasses tried to make a girl but after 3 boys they said hmmm maybe this time it'll be a girl hurrr durr hurrr nope out pops me . fucked in this shitty ass world i mean holy shit you fucking retards just made my life hell by having me. so much shit in this fucking world the eco's lower than shit . tuition's fucking high . fucking beaners all around , niggers too . you motherfuckers really brought me into some shit i thank u . dumb fucks saying oh can you help me give me a loan ? dipshit learn to fuking handle your money , and i wasn't even fucking old enough to have a job but how did i have the money ? by saving my god damn lunch money because i know your fucking retarted taint fucking shit dumbass would come around and ask for it , because we were broke because of my parents bought shit getting into debt :facepalm:

    fuck that i wont have any kids unless i am financially stable to have some if i can only afford to have one then I'll only have one not two more and be fucking broke like my parents.
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