Took my oath and signed the contract to join the Chair Force. :thumbsup:
MEPS fucking sucks though. I got woke up at 10:30 AM Monday by my recruiter who was like, "Oh by the way you have to go to MEPS today, be here in two hours." Getting there on time wasn't a problem because I'm a guy but I was still pretty pissed about his timing. After that I was in a van for 3+ hours to get to the hotel we were staying out for the night.
The hotel was boring as fuck. No free internet and the food sucked pretty bad. I ended up chilling with some people and then we went to McDonald's for dinner. I had to get up at 4 AM so I went to bed at 10 PM but I barely got any sleep because there was no way to turn off the AC in my room and it was freezing cold.
The next morning everyone got on the bus to go to the MEPS station. Me and all the other people that were just processing had to sit around forever while the people that were shipping out got a last physical. When we were finally up it went really slow for just being basic stuff (piss test, get blood drawn, height/weight, etc.). The worst parts were duck walking in my underwear with a bunch of dudes and having some nigger doctor look at my butthole. After that it was just a bunch more sitting around signing papers and boring shit like that.
I was supposed to stay another day to take a test but I was like fuck that. Once I got home my recruiter called me and was all pissed cause he said he was going to get chewed out because I didn't stay. I really care if he gets chewed out. :rolleyes:
So what happened on Totse in the last two days?
MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station)
Be lucky you aren't going into the Marines or U.S. Army Infantry, right now you'd probably be shitting yourself at whats in store.
Not exactly, a lot of them are getting the boot just like a lot of MOS's like mine. The military is downsizing dramatically. I couldn't reenlist without doing some admin job and all I can say is fuck working behind a desk.
I foresee a lot of pissed off, weapons-trained survivalist people roaming the streets soon.
Aww yeah. Beats Hippies. Well, they will beat Hippies.