As a feminist, I am bewildered at the amount of women that go through a labiaplasty simply for cosmetic reasons. Women shouldn't have to alter their body to fit social norms, and as many issues, the media is to blame. The media, and especially pornography. What's so attractive about having an infant's genitals? As women develop their labia changes in formation, size, all due to masturbation, sex and simply growth. It's a process; everyone's reproductive organs change in physical appearance and it's nothing to be ashamed (except for buku you're a fucking disgrace to spics). However pornography subtlety influences women and men into thinking that an ideal vagina is nicely tucked in without having your 'meat flaps' show. This distorted perception affects not only men into formulating a false image of a 'perfect vagina' but it also heavily affects women's self esteem and causes them to do irreversible damage to their parts. The labia, yes those wrinkly pieces of skin, are one of the most sensitive areas in a woman's reproductive organ, and women are having labiaplasties done to eliminate them.
Women, why do you have to impose these irrealistic guidelines upon yourself? Don't compare yourselves to others. You're individuals, unique, individually beautiful and you don't have to change for anyone. (doesn't apply to niggers, chinks, dunecoons, etc..) But seriously, don't do it.
K, I won't.