Warning for Helladamnleet: Rule Infraction

Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
edited October 2011 in Infractions
Post: I Can't Be An Adult
User: Helladamnleet
Infraction: Rule Infraction
Points: 0

Administrative Note:
Let this die Helladamnleet it is a fight you can't possibly win.

Message to User:
· Thou shalt not cause grief to thy Administrator, Global Moderators, or Moderator in their sections. These people volunteer their time and have been chosen for their contributions to the community in general as well as the forum(s) they moderate. Their time is better spent contributing content to discussion than dealing with useless drama.
· Posting off-topic anywhere but Bitch & Moan or Half Baked is frowned upon especially if it does not add to the thread or disrupts it.
· The derailing of threads by page stretching, excessive image posting, off-topic inflammatory remarks or by any other means is not permitted. It is up to the discretion of the moderator of a particular forum as to what is considered off-topic in a given thread.

You were asked nicely in the thread on more than one occasion to keep your flaming of the OP out of the thread. When I directed you to stop it for the final time you responded by flaming me. Your behavior in that thread is in violation of the above cited rules. This warning is designed to serve as the last step and final measure before restricting your access to the community should your behavior not change.

Drop it now and this will all go away.

Original Post:
The flames stop in this thread now.

Fuck off. The OP came here to ask a stupid question in the wrong section. Go suck some more dick, pussy.
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