So I just trolled a girl into kissing a stranger who looked like me...

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited September 2012 in Spurious Generalities
I got this text through from a girl I used to be very close with (Model, anyone?): "Oh my god, I was just in a Costa Coffee shop and swear I saw you - have you got your hair back up? Just walked out and had some memories of our time together xxx"

Me: "Sure have, and I'm in [name of Town] today - I didn't tell you in case I didn't have the time to meet up as I know we haven't spoken in a long time. Come over and say hi as I can't see you - surprise me ;) xxx"

Now she knows I hate public displays of affection, even holding hands (cut 'em off - Taliban style). Anyway, I get this after a few minutes -

"OMG you bastard, it wasn't you - I just kissed some fucking stranger on the cheek. I've never been so embarrassed in my entire fucking life."

Dad and I were like so for a few minutes:


  • DaktologistDaktologist Global Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Fucking lol
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited September 2012
    That is thinking on your feet mate.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited September 2012
    *takes a bow* :D
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited September 2012

    Looks like we have an IRL troll. Good job!
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited September 2012
    Fucking LOL! :D
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Dude I've been trolling since secondary school. I just thought of it as a way to make life more enjoyable and get a kick out of it. Also in my hall of fame is this one -

    My mates, let's call them A and B, want to meet up as we are all back from our respective time away. Friend A is on the Isle of Wight for a romantic day with his then-girlfriend.
    Friend B and I are pissed (we have a real Bromance and A let us down, bros before hoes was not on his agenda). Friend B and I tell A that we are going to drive all the way down, get a ferry over and meet him on the Isle. So friend A walks halfway round the Island with his girl, while friend B and I get a photo taken of us (naming is DSCxxxx to make it seem realistic), and I shoop it onto a ferry deck with a land mass in the background (to look as though we are on the way over to meet him).

    I call him saying "Oh fuck, the ferry is called "The Pride of Boulogne", and that we have no passports on us so are royally fucked. We were instead, at friend B's house, chilling in the pool (hot summers day) and getting pissed/stoned etc. Generally having a laugh and catching up on old, good times. Friend A has wasted half a day walking to and back from the port to meet us. He now believes we are en-route to France and the joke is on us. But it aint.

    We keep up this prank for the best part of 3 days, saying "Oh we are stuck at Immigration, playing b-ball outside a school" and other Bel-Air hints (as he knows that if I mention Bel-Air lyrics I am lying, as I told him about &T history etc), as well as "yeah my Mum and dad got scared" etc. Playing French music in the background and french chatter etc, remembering the +1hr time difference, he tells everyone we are idiots etc. His Mum laughed a lot at us when friend B and I turned up to A's house for a party a month later.

    We break the news to him, show him the fake photo and he goes fucking nuts. My Mum and everyone else either laughing their arses off or wondering what the hell we just said. Just like the time I said - "Oh you know (girls name here he lost his virginity to 3 months before)? Well she's pregnant! Her Mum and Dad are scared and she's now living with her Aunty and Uncle in..." and he tries to strangle me at School lol.

    And here's the shooped photo, for proof.
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited September 2012
    Man I wish I could post this on Reddit or FB. There is just so much win in this. Man, fucking A. HAHAHAHHA
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