Need Pictures

DfgDfg Admin
edited October 2012 in Spurious Generalities
I was supposed to show some pictures to the class and talk about them, there were supposed to images that I like. I selected 50 images last night based on what the audience would feel about them. Today, the class got moved due to reasons I cannot discuss here. So that got me thinking, btw I walked back home and witness an accident which I documented as well. What I want you guys to do is send me images via PM. YOU CANNOT POST THEM HERE because well I don't want people to know about them. You're each entitled to 5 images or less. You must add a comment regarding the images and what it makes you feel.

Make sure it's PG rated, no boobs and such. Must be real pictures not photoshopped. I selected some amazing pictures, most of them are iconic and historic but I suck at history and it would be nice to create a collection of amazing pictures that reflect this community in a positive way. If anyone is interested I will zip my collection and PM you when you send me the images.

AGAIN make sure they're clean, I am able to sell the other images but I want to literally blew the competition sky high with them.


  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Ok, can I just make an idiot-proof version of this? Just to clarify for me and maybe anyone else.

    You need pictures, suitable for Muslim viewing (ie. No tits or beaver...or pictures of Mohammed) to show in a presentation, in order to bring out emotions and responses? You are requesting pictures that will really stir things up in order to be top of the class, too?

    If that is the case, cool :)
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Also, just thinking, is there any way you could show the class a video or something by Carl Sagan? His infamous "pale blue dot" piece has made everyone I've shown it to end up in tears and just a bit of a better Human being.
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited October 2012
    I plan to introduce a lot of it.
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