Maria Amanda , The Dark Taylor Swift

DfgDfg Admin
edited December 2012 in Spurious Generalities
Sometimes I am glad to be a dude, this is one of them. I saw this girl and my homie screamed DO WANT. Unfortunately she is out of my reach but I decided to post about her anyway. She is quite beautiful, photogenic, maybe talented but she knows how to sell herself well as seen in the DA donation campaign. I guess you're all used to seeing girls like her, but for me it's rare, like super fucking rare.

Even in Uni, I see tons of girls giving me that hey I am interested, just try me look. It's quite easy to see, like you're walking and she looks up with those interested eyes. There have been some girls giving me those signals. I am not sure if I should continue. I mean seriously I just wanted a circle jerk by inches. Anyway, it's a waste of time.

And that's why I am here. I am thinking of chatting up with this girl. Just for lulz obviously.

Here are the links:


Also, is it me or the editor buttons are showing up?
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