Morla of the Story SFW

DfgDfg Admin
edited March 2013 in Spurious Generalities
From Reddit:
There's a fly on a lake buzzing around and a fish below the waters looks up, sees the fly and says, man, if that fly was to drop 6 inches I could jump up and grab that fly
On the side of the lake is a bear, the bear sees the fly and the fish and says, man, if that fly was to drop 6 inches the fish could jump up to get the fly and I could reach out and grab that fish.
Across the way is a hunter. The hunter looks through his scope, sees the fly, the fish and the bear and says, man if that fly was to drop 6 inches the fish could jump up to get the fly, the bear would reach out to get the fish, I'd have the perfect shot and could kill that bear.
In the back pocket of the hunter is a piece of cheese left over from his lunch. In a bush next to the hunter is a mouse. The mouse looks across and sees the fly, the fish, the bear, the hunter and the cheese and says, man, if that fly was to drop 6 inches the fish could jump up to get the fly, the bear would reach out to get the fish, the hunter would have a perfect shot and the recoil from the gun would knock the cheese right out of his pocket and I could run out of this bush and grab that cheese.
Well by the bush is a little stream and across it lies a cat. The cat looks across and sees the fly, the fish, the bear, the hunter with the cheese and the mouse in a bush where he can't get him right now and says, if that fly was to drop 6 inches the fish could jump up to get the fly, the bear would reach out to get the fish, the hunter would have a perfect shot and the recoil from the gun would knock the cheese right out of his pocket, that mouse would run out of the bush and I could jump across the stream and grab that mouse.
Well sure enough the fly drops 6 inches, the bear reaches out and grabs the fish, right as he does the hunter takes his shot and the cheese drops to the ground, the mouse runs out to get the cheese and the cat leaps across the water....but falls short.
Moral of the story, every time a fly drops 6 inches a pussy gets wet.
A horse and a chicken were playing in a meadow. The horse fell into a mud hole and is started to sink. The horse instructed the chicken to get the farmer so that he could be pulled to safety. The chicken ran to the farm but the farmer was nowhere to be found.... Without a moment to spare,the chicken got into the farmer's BMW and drove back to the mud hole. Then, the chicken tied some rope around the bumper, threw the other end of the rope to her friend, the horse, and proceeded to pull the horse to safety. A few days later, the chicken and the horse were playing in the meadow again. This time around, the chicken fell into the mud hole. The chicken instructed the horse to get the farmer so that she could be pulled to safety. Replied the horse, "Here's the plan... I'll stand over the hole..." The horse stretched over the length of the hole and continued, "Now, just grab for my penis and pull yourself to safety." The chicken obliged reluctantly and pulled herself to safety. The moral of the story: If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a BMW to pick up chicks.
A cat and a rooster - lifelong friends - are walking through the forest and starting to get hungry. Eventually they come to a stream and notice some food on the other side. While the stream isn't very wide, it is fast moving, and there is no easy way to cross.
The rooster is so hungry at this point that he decides he's going to try and jump the stream. He struts back, turns, then runs towards the stream flapping his wings for all he's worth. He jumps, flutters wildly, and just makes it to the other side. It is ugly and a little scary, but the rooster is now free to happily chow down.

"Come on, cat! It's an easy jump and there's plenty of food over here!" The rooster calls to his friend.
So the cat, a little nervous due to his natural dislike of water, figures if the rooster can do it, he can do it too. The cat takes a few steps back and makes a running leap - landing smack in the middle of the stream, where he's swept away splashing and sputtering.
The moral of the story? Behind every satisfied cock, there's a wet pussy.

A fish in a bowl is hungrily eying a fly hovering just out of reach. A house cat has been hungrily staring at the fish, wishing it would jump out of the fishbowl. The fly drops down a few inches, the fish leaps out of the bowl grabbing the fly, and the cat jumps into the bowl.
Moral: When the fly goes down, the pussy gets wet.

These are some good jokes


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