A while back I created a thread about the last pics taken of various serial killers victims before they died. Although a little creepy I felt very little compassion for the victims. Perhaps it was because I was desensitized to the internet due to being part of totse for all those years. However I found these selfie pics a little different to my cold blooded lizard ways. Why? Because many of the subjects seem quite happy during the pic and unbeknown to them everything is "soon" gonna turn to shit. Do I find this sad? I guess so! Do I find it depressing? Most definitely!
These selfies were taken just before their deaths.
Puerto Rican musician Jadiel posted this on instagram just before he died in a motorcycle accident.

Mexican pop star Jenni Rivera and her crew were involved in a plane crash just after taking this. No survivors.

Courtney Sanford totaled her car and died just seconds after posting her selfie on Facebook

Gary Slok and his mom took this minutes before taking off from Amsterdam. It got shot down over Ukraine in 2014.

17-year-old Xenia Ignatyeva took this moments before being electrocuted by a power cable

Jared Michael gets kicked in the head by a train conductor and died soon after. Yep, that's the conductors foot coming at him.

Karen Hernández tried to take a selfie near a river bank but fell in and drowned

Some of the Beas River tragedy victims before their deaths

Oscar Otero Aguilar a gun enthusiast took a selfie for his failbook page but accidentally shot himself in the head

Two friends on there way to a bachelorette party took this before their vehicle was involved in a head on collision. Collette Moreno, the bride-to-be died.

Two Iranian women took this doing the karaoke thing in a car. Lack of concentration was the catalyst of their death.

Shanghai Suicide
This selfie belongs to an 18yo shanghai girl by the name of Lee Jia Yao (Online name is "JoJoTsai1012".). She obviously had some major depression issues due to relationship problems (stereotypical) and she took this before she jumped to her death.
The two Iranian karaoke superstars who crash their car due to lack of concentration. To much focus placed on entertainment value rather than more important things like...... the road.