Yes it's that time again everyone, time to get your trolling pants on and head over to the cess-pool that is
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: g'day
Stranger: Naw brah, leave the pot on the table and peace it.
You: *puts hands up*
You: *backs off*
Stranger: hahahahaha(:
You: *slowly reaches behind back*
Stranger: No.
Stranger: Put your hands.
Stranger: Behind.
Stranger: Your
Stranger: Fucking
Stranger: Head.
You: shit *raises hands again*
Stranger: Now, go to the refrigerator.
You: *walks there*
Stranger: Take out the chocolate milk.
Stranger: FASTER!
You: *opens fridge door*
Stranger: Let's go, get the show on the road, fuck facde.
Stranger: face*
You: *notices a tube of wassabi*
You: *sqirts it in your face*
Stranger: Do not use Japanese condiments against a Jap.
Stranger: I happen to be a Jap.
Stranger: I am immune to Wasabi.
You: oh shit it ninja
You: ummm errr
Stranger: Go take out the Fruity Pebbles.
Stranger: NOW.
You: b-b-but those are unhealthy!!!
You: you'll kill yourself
Stranger: Take them out.
Stranger: Now.
You: *takes them out*
Stranger: Now.
You: now what
Stranger: Poor them into my bowl that is shaped like Mickey Mouse.
You: *disgusted face* there, happy!
You: can i go?
Stranger: Helllll no./
You: :O
Stranger: Pulll up a chair, we're going on Facebook.
You: NOOOOOOOOOOOO i fucking hate that site
You: i'd rather die!!!
You: *lunges at you*
Stranger: I.
Stranger: Said.
Stranger: Pull.
Stranger: Up.
Stranger: A.
You: *with a spoon*
Stranger: Chair.
Stranger: Are you gonna listen or not ? Because I have a snuggie and I'm not afraid to use it.
You: oh shi-
You: not the reverse dressing gown!!!
You: the everyone already owns
Stranger: That would be correct.
Stranger: As wellll as a shamwow.
You: and can just put on backwards
You: shampon
You: for the ladies
Stranger: Is your chair pulled the fuck up yet? I wanna go on Facebook!
You: i said i'd rather die!!!
You: *commits sepuku*
Stranger: I don't kill people.
Stranger: I torture them.
You: *dies*
Stranger: Fuck.
Stranger: You.
You have disconnected.