Recently my cousin dumped his gf. GF goes bat shit insane.

BitterConflictBitterConflict Regular
edited October 2010 in Life
They've been with each other for about two years. Personally, I think that this girl didn't appreciate how my cousin loved her and I felt like she took advantage of him. It feels she didn't really appreciate my cousin, but my cousin thinks otherwise. She does really love him, but her cons do outweigh the pros. His girlfriend is really immature. She acts like a typical brat/stuck-up high school tween that goes to college. She thinks that she has good morals and tries to be so smart at the same time. Anyways last week, my cousin and his gf were in argument and she tried to tell my cousin "We should see other people." The girl seemed really reluctant to change for my cousin. My cousin was like wtf and said, "After two years you're gonna call it quits? That proves you don't take our relationship seriously." Several minutes later, the girl tells my cousin that she drank alcohol at some party last weekend and freak-danced with other guys. I think she's been hiding some info, but that's enough for my cousin to call it quits with her.

So, he broke up with her and she goes batshit insane. She starts crying and telling him how she loves him, but in reality he's the only thing she's got. She starts showing up late at night to my cousin's house out of desperation to get back with him for the past several days. My cousin had to call his close friend to convince her to go home. She was a wreck and I've never seen a person desperate like this before. She showed up at my cousin's house everyday after the break up. It was like some shit out of a movie. She was there when my cousin came back from school. My cousin drove away from his house and chilled at his friends house. She seemed like a mess and my cousin tries to avoid her, so he won't get hurt from her. He seemed committed to forget about her, because logically it made sense to, but his emotions got in the way so they got back with each other several days later. It was weird, because this girl told all her friends and as soon as they heard it, they immediately texted my cousin to get back with her. She's made a mistake and she's willing to change for you. I guess my cousin was conflicted with his emotions and caved in. He's back with her and I feel bad, because my cousin broke it down to my friend and I, that he's done with her. Then he got back with her the next day. Love is a strange emotion. I hope she really does change. I think she's gonna revert back to the same person in a couple of months and this will probably repeat and it will cycle a few times.

TL;DR Some girl doesn't appreciate my cousin's love for her, until he breaks up with her, so she goes batshit insane and pleads to get back with him. He caved in and now they're back with each other.

Love does strange thangs to people. :o


  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited October 2010
    Love for God caused the Crusades. That shit is crazy.
  • RolfRolf Regular
    edited October 2010
    Gary Oak wrote: »
    Love for God caused the Crusades. That shit is crazy.

    Rolf disagrees, the Americans invaded Iraq due to Cheese, not Love.
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited October 2010
    Never go back to the ex. Such a bad idea.
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited October 2010
    A friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend who lived on a street he had to drive down to get to/from work. She pulled a tractor out onto the road and blocked traffic pretty badly a couple of days later and screamed out at him "I still love you!" They got back together for a while, he and I got an apartment together and he started smoking. When she found out about that she ran around the apartment looking for a fork or knife or something to slash his tires with. Her first choice was a fork :facepalm:
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited October 2010
    Women should have to wear one of those bracers that blow up as soon as they exit the kitchen :mad:
  • BitterConflictBitterConflict Regular
    edited October 2010
    This thread was edited.

    I remember you answered my question Fanglekai, but I wanted to tell him what you exactly said. I wanted tell my cousin, but I forgot the exact words. lol

    So I tried looking back in this thread and it got deleted along with a few others, but it's all good though.
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited October 2010
    We lost posts from several days. I will try to retype my reply tonight after work. Was it just me saying why going back to an ex is bad?
  • BitterConflictBitterConflict Regular
    edited October 2010

    Also, thank you.
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