This subject tends to make a few rev heads cringe. You're either a fan or foe. I'm a BIG Mopar fan but these things are so cute!
I use to hate the fuckin things. Now when I see a tidy "KE SR coupe" or even an ugly "1600SSS" My hates become admiration after working on the later model pieces of shit.
We seem to have taken for granted, what we had.
Popularity of these early ricers has increased amongst the young & old as the price of these jappas have bumped considerably.
paid 700 for it in 98 and it was in terrible shape
Spent about two months doing bodywork freshing engine adding some go fast goodies and ended up with this
that car was originall rated around 45 hp. after going w forged pistons, melling cam webers cam gears and a 50 shot cheater system by Zex i as dynoing 158 hp at the wheels. power to weight ratio was amazing on that car.
158hp on a skateboard is :eek: & :cool:
Must have been a spooker to drive on a wet day?
It actually handled quite well. I added front and rear sway bars, and welded in some subframe connectors as well as addded rear disc brakes from a later model accord
I meant the throttle response would've been scary on a wet day.
I had a crappy assed Vauxhall Chevette powered by a modified 1600 SSS. It was a challenge leaving from the lights on a wet day because I had issues getting traction. (A tight throttle spring didn't help much. :facepalm:) Fun car though.
On the subject of Honda:
I was requested by a customer a few years back to transplant a 2.2 vtec into a CRX.
He changed his mind in the end....I guess he didn't like the price.