I started playing LoL again, I love this game...
You all should play this shit, and if you want to be a nice person, use my Referral Link
And if not, just go to
I can vouch for such a shitty, biased community LoL has, and other dota-based games(HON).
HON was horrible for me. I never played a DoTA game before. What a mistake by starting off with HON. Although inciting nerdrage was kind of hilarious for a while.
I've been meaning to try LoL. My friend says its community is a little more friendly.
The community is semi-friendly.
You would either team up with people who speak Spanish or some faggot ass otakus that spam emoticon throughout the whole game. Then on the other hand, you'll get faggots who think that they're the shit and will never admit to any of their mistakes.
I admit I recently played ranked matches and I lost and won because either their team sucked or mines did. There's rarely any even matches. Either their team sucks or your team does.
I only play when my friends are on. Fuck solo'ing queue.
I'm getting off for tonight but I'll be on later tomorrow. Just a heads up, matches are usually like 45-50 minutes long. We can do a match against bots if you want to learn first.
Yea, mine froze at 33% during the patch too, i closed out and restarted it.