I did a little survey of all my girlfriends about swallowing. I was actually surprised at the results, maybe i give them too much credit. I still love the sluts, always will.
I don't like to swallow. I don't like cum in my mouth period. I suck dick but don't cum in my mouth. I don't like cum because its a bodily fluid and the tenacity of it is disgusting like clams or oysters, ew. a better description is from a friend of mine who described it like melted ice cream.
I understand some dudes not liking to eat the pussy. The vagina is nothing more than a mucus membrane where babies come from.
The question was:
Do you mind swallowing or if a guy cums in your mouth?
Here is what some of them said:
I don't mind either. Honestly it l bothers me more of he cums on my face... And of it's already in my mouth swallowing it isn't a big deal.
never had anyone cum on my face before, degrading if you ask me.
when I was younger I would swallow because I thought they would think it was hotter! Now I'm old if they don't like me taking a trip to the bathroom to spit, they can " suck it"

Definitely depends on the cum. I swallow on a cum by cum basis.
i dont mind either, its fun either way! but i swallow
none of them seemed to care as long as it wasn't on the face.
This was my favorite response
If a guy eats well, lots of fruits, especially like mangoes and pineapple, and if hes in better shape, it tastes so much better. I never minded any of the options tho, swallow, spit, on my face, on my chest, as long as I had enough warning to close my fucking eyes! Cuz getting cum in your eye is fucking painful!
She was raised a Buddhist. I never had cum in the eye either.
Pretty much everyone of them except for myself said it didn't bother them. I got into this conversation with my good friend about how oral sex was degrading, that sex in general was degrading to women but that she felt like we liked it, being controlled in a sexual fashion. I agree that some women would enjoy the degradation but I also know that it certainly doesn't apply to every woman. This isn't exclusive to women who have been abused but that's a whole other topic all together.
. . . up the nose is no picnic either. . . why would you want a cock in your face for a prolonged period?
*all shall remain anonymous
The cum in your eye one was Emily wasn't it? Fucking skank. Tell her to go back to the stripper pole.
... so she can hear me coming.
I actually did that once, not on purpose, I was about to cum and she turned her head away and it shot right in her ear. Funniest fucking thing ever.
Haha that's awesome. :thumbsup:
That's why bitches should just swallow it. Don't worry girls I'll still kiss you after. After you brush your fucking teeth.
they do swallow
there is always a few exceptions
the guy's fucking came already so wtf u dont get an extra orgasm
from them swallowing so I say leave it up to the girl
You're a homosexual aren't you?
nah, I've just got respect for the women i fuck
I guess if I'm paying for a woman, i'd make them do the whole deal
So that's a yes.
hey look he's making his way to a hundred!
well at least you don't surprise the girl if she says she doesn't want it, unlike some people.
and do you pay for women often? im sorry sex should be free
God, its making me look more indecent than I actually am
I dont pay for sex
and no please I'm not "gay"
Idk, I wouldn't like drinking the other's cum... So i'm not
going to make them do something I dont want to do either....
So you spit?
i dont put cocks anywhere near my mouth ....
if anything I'm bi - (please no insults here)
okay need to take a break, I'm going to do cardio and thennn probably some ab exercises....
Dude, run, quickly. Leave now. Quoted this in case you decide to change it.
OO so thats why you keep asking if I swallow
woah, wtf?! I didnt write that, i just noticed realll funny...
While I feel that have more respect for the women that I make it with in comparison to many of the males of the current day, I won't deny that when a girl swallows, especially when I know it is not within her preference, yet continues regardless, makes the act that much more of a turn on.
rofl n1
and nothing wrong with little snow ball action.
you guys act you never tried cum before.
Kinky sex is a good thing just please don't cum on my face, for 1: omg my pores and 2: dont see the appeal but i dont think its about the girl at that point.
it's never happened nor would i see the opportunity for it arising.
I've never had the pleasure of meeting a guy who's tasted cum before. I keep trying to get my boyfriend to so he would understand better, haha but he won't which is understandable. Here's to forcing myself to swallow for love and because i know he likes it
Oh it could happen. :fap:
Dude really? Eating sperm makes you gay, do you really want me to be gay?
No need to force yourself. I do the forcing around here.:hai:
duck lips and indulgance